Social content

Social Content
Social Content is defined as the confluence of Organizational/Brand generated content & Consumer/User generated content. Website content has evolved from what was colloquially referred to as "Brochureware" and is more commonly referred to now as Web 1.0, through interactive websites that encouraged users to "play" with certain content assets, to websites that utilize either proprietary or third party review & ratings systems.
The natural progression of these types of content is toward the creation of truly Social content where authorship is a shared process, some of which will be driven by the organization and some will be driven by the users of the site. There are already some examples of brands handing over content creation to users. The Disney Mom panel is a good example of Social Content. This is a forum site where Disney appointed Mom's act as ambassadors for the parks. They are there to provide honest answers that are not "brand biased" to questions asked by potential Disney customers. This creates not only a Social Content environment but also builds a wealth of knowledge that is retained as content assets.
Increasingly brands will have to move more to this model and aware from the broadcast model that they currently use. The use of Social Media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube & Flickr to provide "insight" into an organization is no longer meeting the needs of increasingly savvy consumers and partners.
Social Content at the User Generated Content Conference -
User Generated Content - http://en. .org/wiki/User_generated_content
Brochureware - http://en. .org/wiki/Brochureware
Web 1.0 - http://en. .org/wiki/Web_1.0
Social Media - http://en. .org/wiki/Social_media
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