
SoCalEuro is the largest European Car web forum/community representing the Southern California area. Emphasis is placed highly on the people on the site rather than the cars themselves.
SoCalEuro was founded by bugzy (Lon Mok) and paul858 (Paul C) and has since invited great help from many of the members of the website. Today over 2000 members are registered and post on the forum regularly.
SoCalEuro also refers to the regular events that are put on by SoCalEuro community. Members and friends have a weekly meets and dinner get togethers where they hang out, chat, and see what changes everyones made to their cars.
The most popular meets are.
1. Manic Mondays, in Ontario Mills
2. Rancho SD, just off the 94E in Spring valley
3. TAB Tuesdays, in Walnut
4. Fusion Meet and Eat, in Clairmont Mesa
NorCal vs SoCal
NorCal vs SoCal is often the name given to the event NorCal vs SoCal Euro presented originally by and The annual event started in 2003 and was hosted in San Luis Obispo drawing over 500 vehicles. In 2004, the event moved to Santa Barbara hosting over 800 vehicles. Cars ranged from VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and more.
Following the 2003 NorCal vs SoCal event, came NorCal vs SoCal 2004, which drew over 800 vehicles. Also events over 1,200 are regularly scheduled in the Southern California area.
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