So cash

So cash is an internet meme popular on imageboards such as 4chan. The meme involves the use of copypasta - posted text that is repeated again and again for the purposes of internet trolling. The meme is given from the perspective of a male youth in New Jersey, USA, fitting a cultural stereotype about these young men that they live hedonistic lives seeking women and success, bragging to their peers about it as if these things were all that mattered in the world. He mocks the 'nerdy', 'loserish' stereotype of people who post on imageboards such as 4chan, and brags about his life and how he has just receieved a blowjob from his girlfriend, proclaiming it to be "so cash".

The original cash is as follows:

More recently, there have been many variants on the 'so cash' copypasta, some of which can be seen at Encyclopedia Dramatica. The original text of the copypasta is accompanied by the young man and his girlfriend. The identity of the young man is Paulie Carbone, who died in a car crash in 2007 at the age of 20. His mother put up tribute videos on YouTube but she was harassed by Anonymous trolls after posting the video.
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