
Snippeting is the fine art of being nosey without being nosey! A snippet, as you will no doubt be aware, is a small piece of information or text. In the case of snippeting it refers to disembdied conversational information - a snippet in this respect is therefore a piece of overheard conversation in which the context, and often sense, of the snippet is unknown to the person overhearing the snippet (referred to as a snippeteer). Often we come across these snippets of conversation quite by accident (a case of unconcious snippeting) or we may place or find ourselves in positions where snippets are more likely to fall our way: classic snippeting venues include trains and buses, pubs and supermarkets.
Previously these snippets have formed quirky cast away additions to our lives - we might wonder at the rest of teh conversation behind the snippet but rarely give it much thought. THIS IS A MISTAKE! Through the aquisition of snippets, or snippeting, we may gain rare insight into the world around us and the thoughts, aspirations and conversational mores of others with whom we may not otherwise ahve any significant contact.
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