
A snagger is a person who restores, renews and re-establishes the original conditions of every type of surface, and particularly those regarding the furnishing elements of Interior Design.
His aim is to get rid of any kind of imperfection, irregularity and deformity determined by wear and tear, faulty manufacture or casual accidents.
The term “snagger” derives from the word “snag”, which means obstacle, inconvenience, impediment , and is usually utilized in the jargon of Contract Design.
Snagging has always been part of human culture; maintenance and regeneration of precious surfaces has taken hold since the emergence of craftsmanship, but only in recent years this profession became independent and autonomous, answering to a need that was often unfulfilled or assigned to unspecialised personnel.
Thanks to the latest development of the most advanced techniques and methods of intervention (regenerative, pictorial, decorative, artistic, restorative), snaggers are able to operate on any kind of surface, such as wood, leather, glass, marble, metal and varnish.
This profession requires a very vast range of skills, encompassing the tasks of renovators, cabinetmakers, carpenters, decorators, painters, sculptors and stonemasons in a unique profile.
These considerations give the idea of how indispensable and irreplaceable the profile of the snagger is, allowing the coexistence of aesthetic maintenance and artistic intervention.
It is his duty to find tailor-made solutions conceived to restore in the most faithful way possible, and with the less invasive methods, the original aspect of the treated element.
His activity can be split in three stages, which require different skills and techniques:
* After a careful and detailed analysis, in order to give a preliminary report of the starting conditions, the first stage consists in the aesthetic intervention, which aims in re-establishing the original aspect.
* Secondarily takes place the functional intervention, which intends to restore the practical damages and re-establish the correct function of the treated object.
* Lastly is time for the decorative intervention, with the purpose of recreating ornamental surfaces such as faux marble through ground-breaking technical solutions.
Snaggers interface with architects, Contract Managers, Project Managers, Site Managers and Interior Designers, resulting in a figure which connects to and relates with different profiles, being essential in the last phases which precede the handover of the project.
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