SMP Negeri 34 Jakarta

SMP Negeri 34 Jakarta is a public junior high school situated in the capital city of Jakarta, Indonesia
Address: Jl. Pademangan Timur, Jakarta Utara 14410, Phone. 021-64716137, 64711045, Fax 64716137

NPSN (National School Identification Number): 20100747
Number of Teachers: + -40
Number of Students: + -835
School History:

o Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 34 Jakarta was established on August 1, 1962, first located in Jalan Karang Anyar Utara, Central Jakarta, with the first Principal was Mr. A. Mahjudin, BA.
o In 1977, Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 34 Jakarta was then moved to a location on Jl. Pademangan Timur VII, North Jakarta.
o The Building of SMP Negeri 34 in Pademangan Timur was initially only one floor.
o In 2010, a part of the land owned by SMP Negeri 34 were granted to the Pademangan Timur Village Office, but also received a land grant from SMA Negeri 40.
o In 2011, SMP Negeri 34 built a four-storey building in which during the construction, the Learning Activities used the building of SMP Negeri 23 and SMK Negeri 55, located adjacent to each other.
o In 2012, SMP Negeri 34 finally began to occupy the new four-story building.
The Name of The Principals of SMP Negeri 34, Jakarta, as follows:
1. Mr. A. Mahjudin, BA --- 1962 - 1977
2. Mr. Drs. Pagising, SH --- 1977 - 1984
3. Mrs. C.R. Simatupang --- 1984 - 1990
4. Mr. J.M. Siburian --- 1990 - 1992
5. Mrs. Tatik Sugiarti --- 1992 - 1994
6. Mr. M.B. Zaman Rihda, SMHK --- 1994 - 1997
7. Mr. Drs. A.P. Nainggolan --- 1997 - 1999
8. Mr. Drs. Suprijono --- 2000 - 2007
9. Mr. Drs.. H. Masyruf Sudharto --- 2007 - 2009
10. Mr. H. Suyoto, Dipl. Maths.Ed. --- 2009 - 2012
11. Mr. Drs. Bambang Sutapa, MM. --- 2012 - 2013
12. Mr. Drs. Supriyo, M.Pd. --- 2013 - until now
Glance History of SMP Negeri 34 Jakarta:

o Since inception, Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 34, Jakarta used Chinese Kuomintang-owned school building, named Chung Sun (High School), that was in 1959, was taken over by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (including the Chung Nam School Building (Primary School) which located side by side).
o From 1962, this ex Kuomintang owned school building that was located in Jl. Karang Anyar Utara, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta (now in front of Mangga Besar rail station), was used together with four schools, i.e. SMP Negeri 17 (Morning School), SMP Negeri 23 (Morning School), SMP Negeri 34 (Afternoon School), dan SMA Negeri 10 (Afternoon School).
o In its development in 1966, SMA Negeri 10 moved from Jl. Karang Anyar Utara to Jl. Mangga Besar 13, Central Jakarta, using BAPERKI/PKI-owned school that was taken over by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia after G30S/PKI affair.
o In the school year of 1977, based on the decision of Ministry of Education, SMP Negeri 64, Jalan Lautze, Krekot, Central Jakarta, moved to Jalan Karang Anyar Utara, to the location where SMP Negeri 23 (Morning School) and SMP Negeri 34 (Afternoon School) were located, And all students of both schools (SMP Negeri 23 and SMP Negeri 34) joined with SMP Negeri 64.
o In the same year (1977), SMP 34 Negeri and SMP Negeri 23, moved to the present location in Jl. Pademangan Timur, North Jakarta.
o That is why at the location Ex Chung Sun, Jl. Karang Anyar Utara, now have 2 school buildings side-by-side, i.e. SMP Negeri 17 and SMP Negeri 64. While SMP Negeri 23 and SMP Negeri 34 currently each have their own school building in Jl. Pademangan Timur, North Jakarta.
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