Slender man

"If the figure depicted on "Der Ritter" is indeed The Slender Man, as I insist it is, then we know that it has not always worn a suit, but rather, in the medieval ages, a suit of armor. This, not to mention the title of the wood cut, would make it quite clear that it was trying to mimic a knight. Knights, as I am sure you know, was the elite class of soldiers doing the bidding of barons and kings in the Feudal Age. If The Slender Man wanted to appear not only human, but a part of the human elite, why not go higher? Why not a baron? Because it can't, quite obviously. It can appear quite human, at least from a distance, but up close it could never fool anyone, and it knows this. Thus it settled for being a knight, who sometimes even wore full helmets, in an attempt to appear inconspicuous yet not undesirable.
So the question follows: Who is the most powerful yet faceless people today? Men in suits, of course."
- Found through in an email archive belonging to a previous police officer. No idea of what happened to him. Haven't looked into it yet.
"A German woodcut from the 1540s. It has puzzled historians since it was discovered at Halstberg castle in 1883. The woodcut bears the distinct style of a known woodcut artist from that area, Hans Freckenberg. Although know for his realistic depiction of human anotomy in his works, something that was unusual for the woodcuts in the 16th century, this picture differs radically from the rest of Freckenbergs works. The character to the right bears little semblance to a human being, with skeletal physique and long limbs at odd angles. Many theories have been dicussed as to what Freckenberg wanted to symbolize with that character, some say its a personification of the religious wars that raged in Europe at the time, others say its a personification of the mysterious plague that have been believed to be the reason for the mysterious abandoning of the Halstberg castle and the nearby village in 1543."
NOTE: Next source has numerous misspellings. Amateur work at best, but good research.
"According to ledgend there was the Der Schlupt (the Tall Person) that would be sited by
children in the Black Forest of Germany a few days prior to their dissapearance. As
recorded by the church during this time period, after there was wide spread reported
sightings of these creatures surrounding a particular village its inhabitants would vanish
the next time the clergy men would visit to hold cermonies. All that would be left behind
were the mutilated remains of the livestock, and in a few cases the village inhabitants
where found several miles outside the village imapled in the higher branches of trees"
Now, in my last note, I mentioned an old Romanian folktale. Well, here it is. It seems to depict what could be the Slender Man...
Once upon a time there were twin girls, Stela and Sorina. They were brave little girls, and had no fear of the dark, nor of spiders and other crawling things. Where other young ladies and even young boys would cower, Stela and Sorina would walk with their heads held high. They were good girls, obedient to their mother and father and to the word of God. They were the best children a mother could ask for, and this was their undoing.
One day, Stela and Sorina were out with their mother gathering berries from the forest. Their mother bid them stay close to her, and they listened, as they were good children. The day was bright and clear, and even as they walked closer to the center of the forest the light barely dimmed. It was nearly bright as noon when they found the tall man.
The tall man stood in a clearing, dressed as a nobleman, all in black. Shadows lay over him, dark as a cloudy midnight. He had many arms, all long and boneless as snakes, all sharp as swords, and they writhed like worms on nails. He did not speak, but made his intentions known.
Their mother tried not to listen, but she could no more disobey the tall man than she could forget how to breathe. She walked into the clearing, her daughters shortly behind her. "Stela," she said, "take my knife, and cut a circle on the ground big enough to lie in." Stela, who was not afraid of the tall man, nor afraid of the quiver in her mother's voice, obeyed what her mother said. "Sorina," the mother said, "take the berries and spread them in the circle, and crush them underfoot until the juice stains the earth." Though Sorina wondered why her mother asked her to do such a thing, she obeyed, because she was a good girl.
"Stela," the mother said, "lie in the circle."
Stela, though she worried she might stain her clothes, did as her mother asked.
"Sorina," the mother said, and bid Sorina cut her sister open with the knife.
Sorina could not; would not.
"Please," her mother said. "If you don't, it will be worse. So much worse."
But Sorina could not, and she threw the knife away and ran home, crying. She hid under her bed, afraid for the first time in her life. She waited until her father came home from the fields, and told him of the terrible thing she had found in the woods. Her father comforted her, and told her she would be safe. He went to the woods, his axe in hand, and as he commanded, she stayed by the hearth, waiting for his return.
After some time she fell asleep. When she woke, it was to the sound of knocking on her door at the darkest hour of the night. "Who is there?" she said.
"It is your father," the knocker said.
"I don't believe you!" said Sorina.
"It is your sister," the knocker said.
"It cannot be!" said Sorina.
"I am your mother," said the knocker, "and I told you it would be worse." And the door, locked tight before her father left, fell open as if it had been left ajar. And her mother stepped in, her sister's head clutched in one bloody hand, her father's in the other.
"Why?" wept Sorina.
"Because," said her mother, "there is no reward for goodness; there is no respite for faith; there is nothing but cold steel teeth and scourging fire for all of us. And it's coming for you now."
And the tall man slid from the fire, and clenched Sorina in his burning embrace. And that was the end of her.
As you can tell, not only is the story very disturbing, but it certainly reminds us of the phenomenon we call the Slender Man. I have spent many past weeks doing research on this while only recently letting some of it surface. With that, some more photos. I will start detailing my theories in the next note, possibly? For now, here are the photos and sketches I have dug up and a radio broadcast I found online and have uploaded.
Unknown when photo was taken, but photographer John Cooper was reported missing on August 7th, 1992.
1 of 2 drawings I found that seem linked to the Slender Man. Notice the tall figure, similar dressings, and of course, the slender and stretching tentacles.
2 of 2 drawings I found that seem linked to the Slender Man. Compare head shape?
To note, the person who sketched these drawings is unknown. I presume he is missing as most people who have dealt with this Slender Man are...
And finally...
The radio broadcast:
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