
Sixing is the expression used for the practice of web browsing link progression.
It involves starting at a particular website reference and through clicking links, concludes by ending at a unrelated location. It's origins were formed around sites such as and where clicking on links leads users to a completely unrelated endpoint. e.g. Brown bear --> Sweden --> ABBA --> Battle of Waterloo
"Sixing" is made easier by the use of an internet browser that offers tabbed browsing. By using tabbed browsing a user can open each new link in it's own tab allowing for multiple routes to be taken from a singular start point.
"Sixing" is particularly popular amongst university students as it is a very consuming way in which to procrastinate whilst still learning new things.
The term originates from the theory "six degrees of separation", where any one person is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth.
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