Six By Nine College

Six By Nine College (also "6X9 College") is a webcomic loosely based on the college lives of writer Amber Marshall and artist 10er Bradley. The creators attended UNH from 2001-2005 and continued to write comics about their fictional school "UGH" throughout the duration. Many of the principal characters appear in an earlier work by Bradley known simply as "Six By Nine".
The comic follows Jack (a werewolf) and Luci (a vampire) as they cultivate their budding relationship and endure the general absurdities of college life. Common themes are laziness, talking through movies, video games, and the aggression of UGH student organizations like The Junior Christian Coalition and the vegan party. One storyline includes the evil members of the school board (monstrous shapes cloaked in shadow) testing an experimental form of Crystal Light on the UGH students, which causes them to sprout horrifying mutant appendages.
The series has incorporated several crossover events, including one with a similar college webcomic the UC and one with another of Bradley's works, Sacrilicious.
The comic was listed 6th in College OTR's "Eight Great College Webcomics".
Major Characters
Jack-the main male protagonist of Six By Nine College. Jack is an engineering major and werewolf by trade (though the latter rarely comes into play). He is often shown as having a good sense of humor and being relatively laid back.
Lily-Jack's girlfriend throughout the series and Luci's roommate. She is a vampire, as is often referenced in comics involving sunlight, skin color, or taking sustenance from the dumb and annoying. Luci can be described as intelligent, brooding, and snarky.
Luci (Lucifer)-Lily's roommate from the beginning and the literal Devil. Luci is known to make Biblical quotations and have something of a blanket allergy towards religious artifacts. While depicted as female throughout the majority of the comic, he/she proves to be androgynous later in the storyline and accidentally becomes stuck in male form. Luci is an excellent foil for Jack and Lily's relationship, capriciously floating between Jack's carefree, almost childlike attitude and Lily's cynicism.
Minor Characters
Phineas-Jack's brother who is depicted as some sort of elf-like creature. Phineas shares Jack's love of movies and video games, as well as his sense of humor; however, he tends to be more soft-spoken and is often shown devoting extended periods of time towards video games without breaking to eat or converse.
Xander - Jack's roommate freshman year, Xander manages to be a without trying to be so.
Chrissy - appearing in the Crystal Light storyline, Chrissy is an insectoid mutant with a proactive attitude.
Gralk - Lily's Hellish manservant.
10er Bradley's Other Works
Such Is Life
Bradley's current ongoing project, another semiautobiographical comic with a more realistic feel
Prayer For Ruin
another ongoing project drawn by Bradley and written by Kyle Wilkins and Morgan C Reynolds, a comic about amnesiac robots and demons on a jungle planet
a comic about Stan (Satan) and Chris (Jesus Christ) living as college roommates, finished and no longer in production
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