Simple Day is a crime thriller directed by Cliff Breakfield, produced by Rick Simon. Simple Day is an independent short subject film, and will be premiere in Orange, California on May 17, 2011. The film is based on the script by Sean Yap, following two robbers who encounter abused children and must decide between money and morality, in this heart-stopping action/drama short film! Plot Simple Day' is a short film created in Spring 2011 by director, Cliff Breakfield, and producer, Rick Simon. 'Simple Day' is the story of Jesse and Nate, two small time criminals. While robbing a crack house, they discover the startling truth of a heinous crime they could never have imagined. Their deep friendship is tested by what they discover, and they are forced to make a difficult choice between money and morality! The choice Jesse and Nate make will define the lives of seven characters, and show us that even thieves can be heroes. But what truly defines a hero? Selflessness, greed, or both?