Signs of Mahdi in Bible

Mahdi is the twelfth Imam , the ultimate savior of mankind and prophesied redeemer of Islam. Twelvers believe that the Mahdi has been hidden by God (referred to as The Occultation) and will later emerge to change the world into a peacfull society alongside Jesus (Isa).In all religions there is a belief in the Savior for Global Peace.
Mahdi in Judaism
In all religions there is a belief in the Savior.
Among the religions that exist for humanity's savior and this is noted in his book Judaism is "an example of the Old Testament, the prophet Isaiah, chapter 11, it says:
". . . Will judge the poor with justice to the oppressed, judge the earth would indeed. . . The wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard sleep with the kid, and the calf and the lion feed together, and Small children will push them. . . In all my holy mountain will not harm or mischief. Because of the knowledge of God will fill the world."
Mahdi in Psalms
In Old Testament, Psalms, Psalm 37", it says:
". . . That the wicked will be cut off but wait LORD will inherit the earth. Han! After some time it was not evil. Will reflect on their position and will not be, and the meek will inherit the earth. . . And will be their inheritance forever.
Mahdi in Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Luke , chapter 12, it says:
"Depending on their waists, their lights reflected glow, and you like who you expect to kill his lord when he returns from the wedding, and it is hitting me up every time a prompt to
Again he said. Khvshabh it is because he awakens, he finds that Mr. slaves. So you're also vulnerable because they do not believe in time that you use the Son of Man comes. "
Luke 12:40 ":You also must be ready, because the Son of Man (mahdi) will come at an hour when you do not expect him."
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