Sigma Chi iota phi

In the summer of 1987, Jay E. Minton, Jr. and Lal Echterhoff spent almost 90 hours a week with each other: researching the requirements to start a Sigma Chi chapter at the North Texas State University, speaking with influential Sigma Chi’s. In July, Jay and Lal called a special meeting f the remaining members of the Kappa Omega class to lay out their plans. They were serious about bringing Sigma Chi to NTSU; whoever was ready to commit to this goal was welcome to join….”if you aren’t serious, there’s the door….”
On July 2, 1987, Sigma Chi Delta was born. Five active members were present: Lal Echyerhoff, Tony Crow, Daniel Holden, Russ Britt, and Eric Poteet, two alumni members were present: Jay E. Minton, Jr. and Roy Gum.
A ritual was drawn up by Brother Minton, the Constitution/Bylaws Committee was formed to begin the construction of the Chapter’s Bylaws, plans for summer and fall rush were laid out, and the trek toward Sigma Chi had begun.
The summer and fall rushes were successful, and the Chapter pledged 13 men to the Alpha pledge class. In oreder to meet the deadline for submission of the Declaration of Intent, the Alpha Pledge Class was put through an accelerated pledgeship, completing all the facets of our present pledge program in 8 weeks. All were initiated on November 17, 1987.
The Chapter submitted the Declaration of intent in time for the January 11, 1988 Executive Committee meeting. However, an “iffy” letter from Student Activities Coordinator (and Lambda Chi Alpha alumnus) caused the Chapter’s Declaration to be tabled until the April, 1988 meeting.
Meanwhile, the new initiates took over as officers and chairmen. The Chapter moved into its first chapter house and held its spring rush, pledging 17 men, eleven of whom were initiated in May as the Beta pledge class.
The Chapter submitted its Declaration of Intent to the Executive Committee, meeting at Grand Council in Orlando, Florida in April 1988. However, due to a full docket of active chapter disciplinary matters, Grand Consul Tom Bell tabled the Chapter’s Declaration until the August Executive Committee meeting to be held at Leadership Training Workshop in DeKalb, Illinois.
On August 8, 1988, Sigma Chi accepted Sigma Chi Delta’s Declaration of Intent and made Sigma Chi Delta an official petitioning chapter of the Sigma Chi. And on September 5, 1988 the Interfraternity Council of UNT granted Sigma Chi full membership and voting privileges.
On April 10, 1990 at 10:00 a.m., the Formal Petition of Sigma Chi Delta was accepted.
On November 17, 1990, 66 new Sigma Chi’s had the Ceremonies of Initiation conducted by East Texas State University (now Texas A&M Commerce), University of Texas at Arlington, Baylor and Southern Methodist university. Grand Consul Robert E. Joseph formally installed the IOTA PHI Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at the University of North Texas.
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