
The manga "Showen" is written by mangaka Matthew McCutcheon. Its is not an official manga yet, but he is currently working on getting it going with "Shonen Jump Magazine" making it an official SJ manga, one of the world's greatest manga. "Showen" is a manga about a boy named Showen who was cursed with the power of one of the sixteen Sages.
As history tells, long back, there was a man who was all powerful. He founded the system of chi. He was the most powerful person in the universe. He was known as the Sagehoku. When he grew old and began to die, he knew that thieves would try to steal his power and control the world. To keep this from happening, he divided himself into sixteen pieces, or separate spirits, and dispersed them across the world. Each was hidden in a certain organic item and that organic item grew enormous and never rotted. Once man found these places, they inhabited them and they became the sixteen "Great Nations": KiSeken (Tree Nation), IshiSeken (Stone Nation), TaniSeken (Valley Nation), ShimaSeken (Island Nation), KazanSeken (Volcano Nation), TsuchiSeken (Earth Nation), SoraSeken (Sky Nation), HoshiSeken (Star Nation), Masshura-muSekken (Mushroom Nation), YamaSeken (Mountain Nation), DouketsuSeken (Cave Nation), MizuSeken (Water Nation), ArashiSeken (Storm Nation), HayashiSeken (Forest Nation), GurasuSeken (Grass Nation), and KazeSeken (Sand Nation). Once man found the power of the Sages, they'd seal the power into a living vessel's "soulgate." A soulgate is a place inside a being where their spirit lives. It is a square platform with a vase in the middle holding one's life flame. The Smaller the flame, the less life one has left. Others can enter the soulgate of another using a soulchain, but soulchains haven't been mastered as a technique and therefore is only know by some elders. One with a Sage spirit inside him can only be influenced by the power of the Sage when he becomes distraught. When distraught, the Sage's power consumes him and causes him to rampage uncontrollably. To stop this, one must either overcome this distraught feeling, or elders who know this sealing technique must re-seal the power back into him. Some people who have had a Sage sealed within them would master the Sage's power and become the new Sage. Once one collects and masters the power of all sixteen Sages, he becomes the Sagehoku. Over the past centuries, the Great Nations protected the Sages by re-sealing them into a new being when time called for. As generations passed, Showen was born in the 16th, biggest, most powerful Great Nation, KiSeken. His grandfather was the 4th KiGenshu—Ruler of KiSeken—and also the 16th Sage. They were in the middle of the 4th Great Nation War. A man named Futon Sama was after the 16th Sage to become the Sagehoku and rule the world. Showen was an 8 years old. The KiGenshu fought bravely in the War but came to grave injuries. To protect the Sage, he ordered the elders to immediately extract the Sage from him and seal the power in Fugimoro, the leader of the Police Core. The elders thought this rather absurd and declined his request. He kept insisting but they repeatedly refused. The KiGenshu grew weary of the situation and asked for a suggestion. That's when his son, Rennin Katsunori, entered the room and offered up his son, Showen Katsunori. The KiGenshu was upset that his son would offer up his grandson to such a burden as carrying the Sage's spirit inside him. He refused the offer. The elders objected. They believed Showen may be the child of prophecy; the hero to bring peace among the Great Nations. Rennin believed in the prophecy of the elders too. The KiGenshu was dying and had no choice but to proceed. After the spirit had been successfully removed and placed in Showen, the Kigenshu died and Showen was knocked out of conscious from such a degree of power being placed in him at such a young age. After Showen was placed in a safe area to rest, Rennin returned to war. When Showen arose, he was soon informed that both his grandfather and father were dead. His mother died at birth so Showen was now orphaned. He was heart broken and unstable. The elders felt a burst of power coming from the room Showen was in. When they got there, Showen was entering Sage State. His eyes became black his skin turned pale. He was about to run a muck. The elders re-sealed the power in him and he was left weak. After the elders left, Showen was determined to end the war and avenge the death of his father, Rennin Katsunori and his grandfather the KiGenshu, Kami Katsunori and bring peace between the Great Nations. The prophecy was starting to become true.
Showen Trilogy
"Showen" is divided into three major parts: "Showen", "Showen: Chronicles", and "Showen: The Legacy." Each part of the trilogy shows different parts of Showen's life during his struggle for peace.
"Showen" is the first of the trilogy and is about his preteen years and his growth as a Ninja Spy trainee. As he attends the KiSeken Academy, he is put on a 4-man cell with two students from the academy, Sazume Tsuchi and Keisuke Naruda, and their assigned master, Apochi Kurosagi. Their relationship grew beyond wild! Keisuke and Showen were not only best friends, but competing rivals. Keisuke always was a little stronger than Showen though. One day, Showen said to Keisuke that he'd be powerful enough once he's able to beat Keisuke. This disturbed Keisuke a great while. One night after a days worth of training and hanging out, Showen, Sazume, and Keisuke were headed home. They dropped Keisuke off first. When Showen and Sazume set off for Sazume's house, Keisuke's house exploded into flames. They began screaming and trying to get inside but there was no way in. The whole house was engulfed with flames. Fireninja came rushing and immediately began smothering the flames with different styles of water gikou (techniques). Once the flames were gone, the searched the remains of the house, but no one was found alive. Keisuke was killed in the fire. They investigated and couldn't find out who or what started the fire. Towards the end of this part of the trilogy, Showen gets framed for the cause of an ambush attack on KiSeken and gets sentenced to death. But as they are about to escort him from the court rooms to the executioner's room, Zangetsu, a member of a group that is collecting the Sages, appears before the people. He tells them that Showen is not the cause of the attack, but that it was another amongst you. after a small debate, Zangetsu disappears with no trace left. The KiGenshu, Bakodo Baki, concludes that Zangetsu is a villain and cannot be trusted. But since we do not want to falsely accuse Showen of being guilty, we will issue a lockdown immediately and construct a full investigation. Until further notice, Showen Katsunori is banished from KiSeken and cannot come within a 200 mile radius of the village. He is not allowed to see or talk anybody here in the village. He is to be escorted out now. This part ends with Showen started a new life in TaniSeken.
Showen: Chronicles
"Showen: Chronicles" is the second part to the trilogy and picks up when Showen is 16 years old. He had been training at the Shonen Dojo for 3 years to better himself since he is a Ninja Spy Academy graduate and is a full fledged Ninja Spy. He has finally overcome his aggrieved feelings and has moved on to a better life. One day after he had finished training and was heading home, a voice stopped him saying "Showen, we are here to escort you back home." Before even turning to realize who was speaking to him, Showen said "I don't need an escort. My house is right down the block." Then the mysterious person said, "No, Showen." Showen immediately turned around at the sound of a familiar voice and realized it was his old mentor from KiSeken Academy, Myoto Kazumi. He and his squad had come to take showen home to KiSeken. Showen thought it too good to be true. Showen packed his things immediately and set off for KiSeken. Then next day at dawn, Showen arrived at KiSeken. He reminisced a little before having to go to the KiGenshu's office. At the KiGenshu's office, the new KiGenshu, San Towu, was trying to issue a new task for Sazume Tsuchi. In order for her to get the job, she needed a partner, but all her friends were busy on missions and tasks of their own. She needed the money so she pleaded with him and he refused yet again. She informed him that everyone else in her year was busy. Then Showen burst through the glass asking if she needed a partner. Sazume got overjoyed, ran up, and gave Showen the biggest hug she could saying "Showen! you're finally back! We've missed you more than anything." Later on in this part, Showen goes off to master the Sage's power with master Mel. He learns to manipulate the chi of the Sage and use it in combat. He also learned how to channel his chi to certain parts of his body. He developed many new gikou upon learning this. He returns to Kiseken 3 months later to enact in the International Ninja Games. The neighboring Nations also came to support the International Ninja Games. Ninja Spies from all over came and signed up so the Village was packed with people. Showen ran into a couple of friends from IshiSeken. The official meeting for the event had already begun so Showen was running late. He still had a little while before he got to the building as well. In the meeting were the Ninja Games athletes and the KiGenshu, IshiGenshu, and KazeGenshu and their guards. The IshiSeken guards silently communicated through hand signs know only to their nation's Militia. While they were communicating, one guard caught a cloaked and hooded figure staring at their finger movements. He then realized that this figure reading their signs. Whenever the robed figure would turn his head, the guard would let another know about the figure. The robed figure became a threat because of unknown motives and the extinct Naruda clan was the only other people to read hand signs. So they planned a full-scale attack silently to attain this person into custody. At the very moment they gave the signal and all leaped to attack, interrupting the meeting, this figure leaped up uncloaking himself revealing his identity. He lashed out and beat everyone of those guards. The Genshus were in aw that a person of this strength sneaked into the meeting. The person leaping completely out and over the village landing in the field outside the main gate. The KazeGenshu had a small army awaiting outside as well. They confronted and surrounded the person cutting off all possible escape ways. the KazeGenshu gave the word to fight until he is in custody. They all launched at the person. This person wiped out all of them in a single blow. The blow was so massive that it wiped out a mile radius of the person leveling everything except the village; however, the village ground was buried in dirt and dust. Showen appeared waking up being unburied as the KiSeken Militia was digging people out from under the dirt and dust. Showen looked outside the walls of the village and couldn't see anything but dust flowing in the wind and a giant plain. He then realized it was night time. He was informed that the attack had taken place 9 hours ago. He had been thinly buried for 7 hours and unconscious for 2 hours. He located Sazume as she awakened back into consciousness. They both were then personally informed by the KiGenshu that the robed figure might have been Keisuke naruda, their old classmate. Showen and Sazume went in to shock. They questioned it and it turned out that the police core never found any source of being in the burned building back at the scene of Keisuke's death. Later on, they discover it was Keisuke. He had faked his death and became an outlaw. As the story progresses, they eventually find Keisuke's lair and confront him. Turns out he has surpassed their fighting ability beyond comprehension. They lose him again. Towards the end of the series, a member of the Korekuta—league of supernatural elite ninjas—invaded KiSeken with his Korekuta General and his army. Strangely, Keisuke and his 4-man cell show up as well. The KiGenshu dealt with the Korekuta member, Zangetsu, while the villagers deal with the army. He left Keisuke up to Showen personally. Showen put up a fight but still loss to Keisuke. Apochi came to assist and others too. Unfortunately, the KiGenshu, Shima Kim, was killed by Zangetsu. Shima was also Sazume's mentor so when Sazume found out, she got furious. Shima was able to sever Zangetsu's arms, so he was unable to use gikou. Sazume struggled, but finished him off. The villages were winning as well. Keisuke didn't have time to be dealing with this so he and his cell fled. After all this is over, San becomes the KiGenshu again. With this attack being done, San clearly concluded and predicted that when the leader of the Korekuta comes, it will be the next Great Nations War. This part of the trilogy ends with San making a vow: to travel to the Korekuto lair and fulfill his quota of taking out 5 of the members. He said then declared his last two orders as the 6th and 8th KiGenshu: one, that the village enter a 5 year lockdown and train. For war is coming to this nation. Two, That when this lockdown is over in 5 years and the gates to the city are re-opened, I will be dead along with 5 of the Korekuta, and SHowen Katsunori will be the 9th KiGenshu of this Nation. San leaves and lockdown is commenced.
Showen: The Legacy
The last part of the trilogy starts when Showen is 21 years old. When lockdown was de-commenced, Showen made his first decree as the 9th KiGenshu: to honor the 8th KiGenshu for his noble efforts and goals. A moment of silence. And his second decree was to open the gates of KiSeken. Everyone was super powerful. Showen had completely mastered the Sage's power and was now the new 16th Sage. He had surpassed his master and mentor. He had become the strongest ninja in KiSeken. Sazume founded and developed a new power that put her at the same power level as Showen. The one thing that was irking Showen the most was this question: how strong has Keisuke become. When Showen got updates from all the Nations, he was devastated. The Korekuta had made their move. They had taken the Sages from 12 of the Great Nations and put the nations under military control. Later on in this part, the Korekuta take two more Sages. All that was left was Showen and one other Sage which happened to be one of Showen's best friend the KazeSage and also the KazuGenshu, Itsuchi. Showen and Itsuchi exchanged promises that they would protect each other from the Korekuta. Itsuchi's nation had already been attacked once, but they prevailed. Later on when Showen was returning from an errand with Apochi, Sazume, and Mizuro, they were ambushed by the leader of the Korekuta and another member, San's brother, Dan. They struggled and struggled. Apochi, Sazume, and Mizuro were determined not to let the Korekuta get Showen. They killed Dan but the leader still remained unharmed. For he was too powerful having the power of 13 Sages. He used a peircing gikou and launched towards Showen. Apochi leaped in front of Showen, taking the blast full impact. Sazume and Mizuro used that as an opportunity to blast the Korekuta leader far away. Apochi said his last words to them and passed on. Showen was heart broken. The same day, in KazeSeken, Keisuke showed up at the KazeGenshu's palace. He and Itsuchi fought a great deal. Itsuchi proved to be stronger than Keisuke expected. After the battle, Itsuchi was left standing. He had killed Keisuke. When he turned his back to let the KazeSeken Police Core handle it, Keisuke lashed out and killed all the police-ops in the room. His blast hit Itsuchi hard enough to injure him to paralysis. He turned Itsuchi into the Korekuta's hands. In order for them to obtain the Sage, they had to go inside Itsuchi's soulgate and fight him at full power with the Sage's power too. When Showen returned to KiSeken, he was informed that KazeSeken was under military control, he got so angry that he temporarily assigned the chief of the KiSeken Police Core to maintain the position of KiGenshu until his return. Showen, Sazume, Mizuro, Cell 24, and Cell 25 set off to the Korekuta's hideout. They were caught in a frenzy by the guards of the Korekuta's hideout. Showen pressed on while the others stayed and fought. As he was getting closer, he felt Itsuchi's life flame dimming. He rushed as fast as he could, but Itsuchi died just before Showen arrived. One Korekuta said "What have we just gotten ourselves into?" the others looked at him confused, but then they sensed it too. Showen's Sage power control had been lost to rage and the Sage power had consumed Showen beyond anything they had ever seen. He burst in there so fast theey didn't even see it. He was on a rampage. The Korekuta members didn' even have time to attack. They were too busy just dodging Showen's attacks. The leader who had just finished mastering the KazeSage's power awkoke using only his mind, Showen was halted in his steps and dragged over to him. Just before he reached the Korekuta leader, Showen's friends showed up. They began attacking the other Korekuta members. Sazume sealed the power back in Showen and broke the mind link between the two. The leader smirked and with one twitch of his eyes everything was halted. No one could move. He said told everyone that he would not kill Showen. He said stop fighting and go home. Get all the rest you need to. Gather all your men. For I declare upon you, the 5th and last Great Nation War. After Showen and the rest are back at KiSeken training and preparing the militia, he senses multiple chi levels at great power. He rushes to the gates to see if the war had already commenced knowing that they were unprepared. When he arrives at the gate he see thousands of soldiers all coming from the 14 other Great Nations. The rebels had escaped and come to KiSeken to offer assistance in the war. Showen was shocked that they even knew that was had been declared on KiSeken. Later after everyone is settled, Showen calls together a summit of all officials. They devise a strategy: since KiSeken is the biggest nation and, of course, has the biggest militia, KiSeken Militia would assist each of nations' armies win back their lands. The other Genshu's were shocked at KiGenshu's decision. They also agreed that when their lands were taken back, they'd return to KiSeken and help KiSeken win the war. Meanwhile, the Korekuta leader used the power of the Sages he had to resurrect every evil, powerful ninja there had been in the last 10 years. His army grew to near 10,000 men (and some women of course). During this time, Keisuke was laso preparing himself. But unsuspectingly, Kesiuke's own cell mates turned on him. His right-hand man, Zori, who was the most cocky and had the most issues with Keisuke, challenged him to a sword dual. Keisuke and his Kenpeitou against him and his Kempeitou. Keisuke stated to level 1 Kempeitou. Zori did the same. Zori tended to be a little stronger than Keisuke so Keisuke stated to level 2, the highest level there was. Zori hadn't unlocked level 2 yet so he got a little scared. Keisuke launched one attack that nearly obliterated Zori. Zori was defeated. Keisuke taunted Zori and began to walk away. Zori couldn't stand to lose like that. He had so much rage that he leveled up to level 2. He was now stronger than Keisuke. Before Keisuke could pull his Kenpeitou back out Zori attacked him with full throttle and obliterated Keisuke. He bragged to Aiken, Keisuke's other cell member who also has a Kenpeitou, about how he knew he was stronger than Keisuke. Aiken looked at Zori in a sarcastic way. Zori got pissed and upon getting ready to kill Aiken, he went into shock at the enormous power he felt. He looked in the direction where he had left Keisuke's remains, and he said "No Way! there is no way anybody could go beyond level 2!" Keisuke arose in an unseen level 3 state. One lash sliced Zori's body in 2 halfs. Aiken said to Keisuke "I had no intentions of killing you. I'm smarter than that. I only came up here to see how quick you would defeat Zori." Keisuke took Zori's Kenpeitou and fused it with his own. This took Keisuke to a whole new form. Keisuke became ultimate. Aiken stood in aw. Keisuke looked at Aiken and when their eyes met, Aiken disintegrated into 1,000,000 pieces, a mere dust. Keisuke's new form was still unrevealed. Meanwhile, all this power being emitted caused a massive comment in space to explode. Giant meteors began falling and surfacing on Earth. In KiSeken, Showen saw some meteors heading directly towards the village. The militia began catapulting projectiles into the air to black them. One catapult malfunctioned and the projectile missed. The meteor was too close to take evasive action. Showen launched up to punch the meteor into pieces. As he got closer he realized that the meteor was enriched with stray chi. It was too late. He stopped the meteor, but it burn Showen completely. His right arm was completely burned off. he had no skin anymore. He was about die. The villagers caught him and laid him on the ground. They knew he was about to die. He couldn't even speak. They couldn't even identify him anymore because he was so messed up. His head then slowly eased to the side as life left his body. Just as Sazume and everyone began crying and screaming, an elder came up and told them to get Showen and follow her, quickly. They questioned her and she said if they want Showen to live, hurry up and do so. So they did. She took them to the heart of the village underground where the last leaf remains eternally alive sitting in a small spring. She told them to lay Showen in the spring. As soon as he hit the water, a cocoon formed around him. Sazume asked her what will this do to him. She said that this village stands inly because of the KiSage's power. The village is alive itself. It is linking to Showen. Right now, Showen is training with all 10 generations of the Sage, mastering the power that the former KiSage's left in the village. This has been sacred for many generations. When Showen arises from that cocoon, he will be 20 to 40 times more powerful than he was before. A couple hours passed. Sazume stayed right beside Showen, awaiting for him to arise. A Police-op summoned her to lookout. When she got up there, she asked what was going on. He replied the first wave of the Korekutan Army had been spotted. She gasped and looked and behold she saw over 100,000 men. She immediately too control since Showen was down and ordered the catapults to begin shooting. A soon as the Korekutan Army is aware that they have been detected, they began running. The war had just begun. They were dodging the catapults pretty well. That's when Sazume ordered the gates to be opened letting the ground fleets to embark. The KiSeken Alied Army began their first wave. Later on during the war, Keisuke showed up. His new power even sparked the interest of the Korekuta Leader. He ranked Keisuke as the 2nd most powerful ninja besides the Sagehoku. No one could touch Keisuke. The KiSeken Alied Army began losing. There were too many Korekutan soldiers. It was just now the tables began turning as an army began making a move from the West-East wing. Sazume didn't know what was going on. She was then accompanied by the IshiGenshu. They and 7 other Sekens had been restored. We have yet to gear from the other 7 Sekens. Sazume was overjoyed at the turning point. Even deeper into the war, things still looked bad. They were accompanied by the other 7 Sekens, but more and more soldiers kept coming from the Korekuta. They now realized that they had underestimated toe Korekuta. Keisuke was obliterating them in multiple numbers. Things became very scarce. Sazume started losing her hope. Finally she began looking around and realizing that she could no longer identify her alies. There were too many foes. She began to cry. For her hope was almost completely gone until she felt "THAT". The Korekutan leader arose from his transportable throne, stepped onto the ground baffled by the enormous power that just appeared. He couldn't believe it. Keisuke became stunned as well. They looked up on the tope of the lookout tower and the sun was glaring this mysterious figure. Sazume was at a better angle. As she turned she was awed! Showen had made his first appearance in the war. He was flowing with so much power that he distracted almost every being in that war. He greeted Sazume. She could barely speak. She asked him how he felt. He responded that he felt 60% stronger than he did before he went in that cocoon. She was awed. He then made his way to the Korekutan leader as the Korekutan leader did the same. They clashed and fought. After a long battle, Showen began losing. The Korekutan leader was just too powerful having 15 Sages' power. Showen may be the strongest Sage being that he is the KiSage, but he is still one to fifteen. Not to mention the Korekutan leader was powerful on his own as well. But Showen new he had to prevent to Sagehoku from coming back into existence so his will power kept him going. Then finally, the Korekutan leader said let's end this. He leaped high into the air and charged the biggest chi blast anyone has ever seen. It was construct from 3/4 or all the Sages' chi plus his own. he threw it Showen tried the best he could to stop it. But it hit and exploded. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left. The entire giant village was crumbled. The evacuation areas located deep under the village had caved in, killing all the civilians. Showen and Keisuke were keft. The leader landed and said that the world population was 3. Showen, keisuke, and himself Showen was awed. He looked over and started screaming. He saw his newly wedded/pregnant wife lying on the ground. He rushed to her side. She looked into his eyes one last time and then slumped over. The Korekutan leader said to Showen Do you now know what the destiny of this world is? I will become the Sagehoku and there's nothing left you can do about it. Everything is gone. Everything you know and love...gone. Showen was silent. He kept on to say that everything that Showen could possibly do was all pointless. Showen said no. The ground started trembling. The ground started splitting. The leader was confused and didn't know what was going on. The wrath of the 11 generations of KiSages was arising. Showen began floating as the Sage consumed him. The Korekuta leader smirked and attached a soulchain so Showen. He was attempting to take the KiSage right out of Showen. He went inside and grabbed the Sage and left Showen's soulgate and returned to his own. He was rejoicing I finally did it. All over sudden, Showen appeared inside his soulgate The leader was shocked. Showen then said that his destiny wasn't to prevent the Sagehoku from coming to existence. It was to become the Sagehoku. And with one whirl, Showen spun all the Sages around him and they departed back into Showen. All the Sages combined was so powerful that The Korekuta leader's soulchain snapped, which killed him immediately. Showen became the Sagehoku. Keisuke was overwhelmed by the power. He tried to connect a soulchain to see what was happening inside Showen, but it snapped on contact, killing Keisuke immediately. Showen now had the power of a god. He used this power and restored everything. Everybody came back to life. The villages were restored. The whole Earth was restored. They all crowded around Showen for he was still in Sagehoku mode. They were all in aw. Showen had resurrected some the villains too, but they could only stand in aw. Keisuke lunged at Showen with his Kenpeitou and they flew back to central field. The created a massive crater. Everyone gathered around to see the great battle between two gods: Showen Katsunori and Keisuke Naruda.
Notes from the Creator
Hey guys, I know how the series ends and everything else. Showen and Keisuke's battle climaxes in a magnificent way. Keisuke reveals his true motives for leaving the village. It's probably the most shocking thing you'll ever know about Keisuke! This was just a brief overview of the entire series. MUCH MUCH more happens in the actual manga. Rather than an anime, this will be a 2.5D animated film series. Now, each part of the trilogy will have a least two movies. Four at the most. Showen may be 2 movies, Showen: Chronicles may be 3 movies, and Showen: The Legacy may be 4 movies. It's going to be a long series. I'm aiming at about 8 to 10 movies. I know it's a lot, but it'll just have to be as long as the Harry Potter saga. Don't be fooled by the number of KiGenshus mentioned in this story preview. In my series, there are only six of the eleven KiGenshus active: Jinshin Tsuchi the 6th, Ishan Kurosagi the 7th, San the 8th, Shima the 9th, San again as the 10th, and Showen as the 11th. -Genshu is the ruler or king leader of a Great Nation. -Seken is the Nation itself. -Sage is the designated Sage of the nation. The Seken are giant modifications of normal places. KiSeken is a giant tree. thee people live inside. Sunlight is reflected of the golden leafs. KazeSeken is a village that is placed under a giant sand dune. IshiSeken is a giant cylinder-based stone. YamaSeken is a mountain/cliff side that has various chambers inside. It's very hard explaining in words. I guess you'll have to wait and see it in the coming soon manga before you get a clear idea. Thanks for reading!!
-Matthew McCutcheon
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