Shisha Boys

'Shisha Boys' is a documentary film directed and produced by British filmmaker Daniel Jewel. The film was screened on Channel 4 in 2007 on the popular 'Three Minute Wonders' strand. The film portrays the effect of the UK smoking ban on the shisha pipe smoking culture of London's Arabic quarter.

Plot Outline

According to the Internet Movie Database the plot of the film is as follows: "Danyal and his friends meet up every day at the biggest shisha smoking cafe on the Edgware Road - 'Shishawi'. They enjoy the alcohol-free and open atmosphere of the cafe, where everything can be debated and discussed. The cafe looks likely to fall victim to the smoking ban and the friends reflect on what they and London will lose - a place where young British Muslims and people from all cultures and creeds could mix freely, and break down stereotypes. The friends also discuss their views on the 7/7 bombings, which hit Edgware Road in 2005."
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