Agency 2.0


The term Agency 2.0 refers to the next generation of advertising and marketing agencies, and more specifically, to the new skill sets and business models that they must adopt in order to provide their clients with interactive marketing communications programs in today's more Internet savvy world. It plays on the concept of Web 2.0, which was first introduced as brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International in 2005.

This term was coined by Albert Iannantuono, President & CEO of Tri-Media Integrated Marketing Technologies in a featured presentation at a DMA conference held at Lowes Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona on January 25th and 26th, 2008.

The presentation: Adopt, Adapt, Adept, or Die, focused on the quickly evolving world of Internet marketing strategies and what successful marketing agencies must do to survive in the face of increased competition and expanding, on-demand media sources that threaten their businesses relevancy.

Defining Agency 2.0

Agency 2.0 is used to denote the next evolution or generation of advertising and marketing agencies who have successfully adopted Internet technologies into their groups operating and marketing practices to effectively elevate the branding, communication and transactional marketing initiatives of their clients beyond those previously completed using only offline marketing techniques such as direct mail, print advertising or media placement.

Special attention should be paid to the phrase 'successfully adopted' in the definition, which makes reference to the fact that adopting and deploying Internet technologies into an advertising or marketing agency's solutions in most cases is not a profitable venture. So successfully adopting Internet technologies within the context of the Agency 2.0 defintion must be defined as aquiring the knowledge, skill set, tools, infrastructure and processes to deliver highly responsive integrated marketing communications for clients while generating an equal or greate profit for the agency.

What is criteria for becoming an Agency 2.0?

Becoming an 'agency 2.0' requires a typical advertising agency to move beyond standard offline media offerings and adapt the new technologies needed to address today’s media and Internet-savvy audience who demand faster, more personalized and even more relevant communications in order to earn their attention and patronage. Further, and most importantly become Adept at deploying those technologies to deliver truly integrated marketing communication programs beyond traditional media.
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