Sheriff Teddy the Law Dog

Sheriff Teddy the Law Dog is a middle grade fictional character created by Jason G. McKinney. He appears in a serious of amusing stories that contain themes of loyalty to family, duty and doing the right thing at all times.

The character Sheriff Teddy is based off Jason's wife, Tabitha, dog, Teddy. Teddy was an albino German Shepard and the protector of the Ramsey house when Tabitha was a small child up into her later teenage years. Sadly he was overcome with old age and was put to rest to ease his suffering. He is followed by two real life animals and one fictional one in his stories. Sheriff Teddy is the head law animal on a Nebraska farm where he keeps to peace and fends off trouble makers with the help of his first two deputies (based on actual animals), Puffy the Grumpy Cat and Brownie the Over-active Dog. Later in the first story of the series they are joined by a wise cracking, and very fictional, New Jersey raised duck named Joey La'Orange.

Deputy Brownie is a half bred German Shepard, Teddy's nephew and full fledge unintentional menace of the farm. He means well but finds that his youthful playfulness lands him into all kinds of trouble on the farm. He is the constant bain of Manfred Bull who yearns to live in peace without the harrassment or friendship of what he calls "Deputy Brown Terror".

Deputy Puffy is Teddy's best friend and top deputy. They have been friends for years and have had many adventures together. Though Puffy comes across as gruff and harsh to Brownie and other outrageous characters on the farm, he is really a kind hearted and loving friend to all.

Deputy Joey La'Orange is a former "hit duck" from a big crime flock in Jersey City New Jersey. In Sheriff Teddy and The Mysterious Egg Theives, Joey was recruited by animals unknown to eliminate Teddy and all opposition to allow mob activity on Teddy's beloved farm. He has a change of heart however once he gets a feeling for the farm community and how much everyone truly cares for each other. In the end he decides to leave his life behind, retiring on the farm and becoming a trusted Deputy.

Mable Mare and Benny Bay are two horses on the farm who bring loads of headaches and hilarity to the Sheriff Teddy series. They are constantly at odds with each other and especially Mable with Deputy Puffy. Mable is a former show horse who had one numerous awards until she was deemed too old to continue. Benny is a former US Calvery mount who was phased out from ceremonial use due to his age as well. Mable is one of the two bladder mouthes and gossipers on the farm. Teddy comes to rely on her loose horse lips for any news of mischievousness around the farm.

Geraldine Goose is a busy body and constant whisperer of everyone's secrets including her own. In Sheriff Teddy and the Plutonian Invaders, she gets more than she could ever gossip about in one life time.

Sheriff Murphy, Deputy Whitey and Deputy (later Sheriff) Hooper are three law dogs on a neighboring farm. Sheriff Murphy was Sheriff Teddy's mentor and teacher when he was a young pup deputy. Sheriff Murphy retired and turned over the Sheriff title to Deputy Hooper. Deputy Hooper is the new Sheriff of Murphy's farm, replacing him after a sheep steeling scandal on his farm and the kidnapping of two young sheep on Sheriff Teddy's farm.
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