Shaun doiron

‘’’Shaun Doiron’’’ (born September 3, 1987) is a Canadian born celebrity and adventurer/explorer. At the age of 15 he was the youngest person to hang glide across the bermuda triangle. He set out from Miami, Florida, and flew over 60 miles of open ocean to land on the beach outside Alice Town (also known as Hatchet Bay), on North Bimini Island. At the age of seventeen Shaun was detained by Toronto police when he attempted to scale the CN Tower, unfortunately, he was stopped before he had climbed more than 30 feet, Toronto’s finest were quick to respond.

Upon graduating from high school in 2005, Shaun went to the Amazon Rainforest on a backpacking trip with fifteen friends. Two of his companions died of malaria, and another was carried out of the jungle by Shaun and another man, dying from a venomous snake bite. Fortunately the victim, David Bronson was treated with the correct anti-venom by a rural doctor before the final stages of the venom set in.

To help his friend overcome his newfound fear of snakes, Doiron took Bronson on a trip to Indonesia, where they petitioned an Indonesian tribe of Bodha on the island of Lombok to allow them to participate in a trial of rites, in which a young warrior wrestles and kills a snake with his bare hands. Both men claim to have fought Indonesian Water Pythons. By their descriptions of the animals, snake experts are prepared to believe the adventurer’s claims.

On their trip to Indonesia, Shaun Doiron and David Bronson also climbed Mount Rinjani, an active volcano also located on the island of Lombok.

In May of 2006, Shaun was arrested in Pendleton, Oregon for offenses related to a paintball gun and a stolen car. However, he was acquitted of all charges and was released. Ten days later Shaun was again arrested, this time in Arinosa, Utah, a ghost town near the border of Utah and Nevada. The sheriff who arrested him claimed Shaun was responsible for the theft of over $600,000 in diamonds and precious jewelry. Shaun was again acquitted when insufficient evidence could be provided against him.

In June of 2006, Shaun and a friend were detained by police after a brawl at a Los Angeles club. Shaun’s companion Andrew Knaut later explained to press that they were involved in a fight when two women were being harrassed by a group of other men. The other men involved were reported to be members of the notorious street gang: the Crips.

Over the past year Shaun has been attending a Canadian post-secondary institution, the name of which has not been disclosed to interviewers. He is reported to be planning an excursion to the Swiss Alps during the 2008 summer, but no details have been confirmed.

David Bronson, in an interview with Time magazine described Shaun saying he was "...a tough son of a bitch who never let his guard down. Not never (sic)."
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