Shane Casey

Shane Casey is a fictional character on CSI:NY, portrayed by Edward Furlong.

He is a serial killer who uses codes on a series of T-shirts to leave messages at the scene. He was targeting Hawkes and the prosecutors who put his brother, Ian, away for a crime that Casey thought he was innocent of. On the day of the sentencing, Ian hanged himself. Introduced in the fourth episode of season 3, "Hung Out To Dry." In the season 3 episode "Raising Shane," Casey frames Sheldon Hawkes for a robbery and murder, saying he will give the evidence to clear Hawkes if the team will prove Ian was innocent. He demands to talk to Danny alone, and during this confrontation, Danny brings proof that Ian did indeed commit the crime for which he was arrested. Thoroughly devastated, Shane was then easily arrested for murdering the man he had hired to impersonate Hawkes.
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