Time Agency

The Time Agency is a fictional secret organisation of Time Agents from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its spin-off series, Torchwood. The concept of a "Time Agent" was introduced in 1977 serial The Talons of Weng-Chiang and revisited in the spin-off novels Eater of Wasps and Emotional Chemistry. A Time Agent character Jack Harkness was introduced into the series as a major character in 2005.

Little is revealed about what the Time Agency or their Agents do. All time agents have the ability to travel in time and space using a wrist device that all time agents wear. These wrist straps also allow them to communicate over short distances holographically between agents.

The Time Agency was set in the 51st Century. The first Time Agent to appear in Doctor Who was Jack Harkness in the two part episodes "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances", Captain Jack's real name is not known, as he stole the identity of the real Captain Jack Harkness when he was trapped in the 1940's during World War II. Hired as a young man, Jack Harkness became the first Time Agent from his hometown of the Boeshane Peninsula. For five years, he was teamed with Captain John Hart. The Torchwood episode "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" reveals Time Agency has disbanded since Jack's departure, and there are now only seven agents left.

Captain John will appear in a further two more episodes of Series 2.
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