Shaker Nuri

Shaker Nuri (Arabic:) is currently working in journalism, media and university teaching in Dubai. He won Ibn Battuta Prize for Travel Literature for his book “A Residency Card in the Tower of Babel. Paris Diaries” in 2013 and he won the Katara Prize in 2017.
Early Life and Career
Shaker Nuri traveled to his father city, Baghdad to study at its university where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature in 1972. He returned to his city after that to work as English teacher of high school students for four years. Then he immigrated to Paris in 1977, where he stayed until 2004. He obtained a Master's Degree in Media from ENS (higher education institution in Paris), a B.T.S Certificate in Cinematography from Louis Lumiere Institute in 1979, and a Doctorate degree in cinema and theater from Sorbonne University in 1983. He worked as a cultural correspondent for a number of Iraqi and Arab newspapers and magazines. He worked for Radio Monte Carlo and for the Sorbonne University.
* The Spider's Window (original title: Nafidhato Al'nkaboot), a novel, Arab Institute for Research & Publishing, Beirut, 2000.
* The Impulse of Dead (original title: Nazwato Almawta), a novel, Dar Alfarabi, Beirut, 2004.
* Dialas in His Hands (original title: Dialas Bayn yadaieh ), a novel, Dar Alfarabi, Beirut, 2007.
* Gilgamesh dogs (original title: Kilab Gilgamesh), a novel, Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc., Beirut, 2008.
* The Green Belt (original title: Almantiqa Alkhadra), a novel, THAQAFA Publishing & Distribution L.LC., Abu Dhabi - Beirut, 2009.
* Shaman (original title: Shaman), a novel, Kuttab Publishing, Dubai-UAE, 2011.
* The Lunatics of Buca (original title: Majanin Buca), a novel, All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2012.
* The Friar's hell (original title: Jaheem Alrahib), a novel, All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2014.
In addition to many intellectual books and translations.
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