Shadow Proclamation

The Shadow Proclamation is a fictional galactic treaty and a treaty enforcing organization in the universe of the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It can be invoked when alien parties interfere or attempt to intervene with other planets and civilisations.

The treaty is named after its founders and enforcers, the Shadow Proclamation, about whom little is known. Once the Adipose young had evacuated Earth in Partners In Crime, they were taken into care by the Shadow Proclamation, presumably with their parents arrested, having transgressed intergalactic law [,%20figures%20and%20top%20secret%20info%20about%20the%20Adipose.&info&info2&info3=)]

Convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation allows one party to seek an audience with another under peaceful contract. Other articles seek to prevent the seeding of Level 5 planets, and can be invoked under galactic law.

Incidences in which the Shadow Proclamation has been invoked

In the episode Rose, the Ninth Doctor invoked Convention 15 to communicate directly with the Nestene Consciousness.

Rose Tyler attempts to invoke the Shadow Proclamation when confronted with the Sycorax, in the episode The Christmas Invasion, but fails to convince them.

In Fear Her, the Shadow Proclamation is utilised by the Tenth Doctor to make the Isolus reveal its true form.

Matron Cofelia of the Five-Straighten Classabindi Nursery Fleet fears that the Tenth Doctor has "alerted the Shadow Proclamation" to her activities on Earth in the episode Partners In Crime
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