About the Film
Shadow of the Banhammer is a satirical independent film produced by Robinawitz Williams II. The film is based on a sporadic series of events that transpire within a Nintendo discussion group on Myspace. The events that transpire are porytayed in the form of 3D animated characters, settings, and events. Shadow of the Banhammer is a Dramatic and unique 3D animated production that fuses elements from video game culture, internet culture, and popular culture into one production with heavy themes and a dramatic storyline. Shadow of the Banhammer is still very early in preproduction and has no set premiere date yet.
*Mike *Bored *Basotl *Kitty Man *Morte *Anna *Ghost Mod *EZE *Riot Monster *Mr. Monster *KJC *Kitty Man *Jaracz *Malex *Preston *Teh Adam *Teh Wireless Spatula *Teh Aussie *Jake *Phot *Meta Black Yoshi *Big X *Desperado *Devil Rising *Luciano *Lahna *Nicamericano *Roshi *Suroosh X *Frank *Eder *JX *MetalMarc *Dr Cloar *Coffee *Hyper Dude *Willson *Blackout *Pedobear *Woe *Link o Mac *Jasocorp
Confirmed Cast *Malcolm Ashlock---- Big X *Jason Jaracz---- Jaracz *Jack Thompson---- Evil anti-gaming politician. *Paul Darr---- Basotl *Robinawitz Williams II---- Demi *Eric Abrams---- EZE *Samuel Adrian Jimenez---- Kitty Man *Mallori Mora---- Malex *Randy Morales---- Hyper Dude *Anjelica Deanda---- Riot Monster *Marcos Meza---- MetalMarc *Chris Garcia---- Mr. Monster *Nick Salyers---- Morte *Jake Doud---- Jake *Kenneth Miller----Kenny