Shadi A. Alshdaifat

Shadi Adnan Alsdaifat is a United Arab Emirates-based Author, Reviewer, Researcher, Attorney and a Supervisor for undergraduate students. He has presented papers in many law schools and published books on the topics on International Foreign Investments in Jordan, Islamic law, Honor killing, use of force against terrorism, and international terrorism.
Alshdaifat started his carer as an Attorney in Training at Sultan Shawqfa law office, Jordan. Later, he worked as an Assistant professor, member of research and training in universities, legal advisor for STC (Saudi Telecom Company) in Saudi Arabia, law firm Mitchell and mir and HRI(Human Rights initiative) in Texas. Shadhi is currently working as Assistant professor in the University of Sharjah, college of law.
Scholarly work
Shadi has more than twenty research papers published, supervised more than fifteen master and undergrad thesis and has written books in English and Arabic. Alshdaifat's scholarly work is on Political Science, International Politics, and International Relations.
Research papers and books
Some of the research papers and books by Shadi Alshdaifat are Regulating the military action in international law; Legal considerations on the Jerusalem in International Law; Introduction to Public International Law; and International Law and the use of force against terrorism.
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