Shade and Shadow

Shade and Shadow is a 2003 horror/comedy by writer/director Gabriel Maitreya. It is done in the style of a long-lost film, and the story involves people confronting ghosts from their past. A young writer mourning his dead wife, his retired film star mother, and their masked servant girl are joined by one if the writer's ex girlfriends, her violently jealous new boyfriend (who is obsessed with portraying Jesus) and a filmmaker who appears to be half rotting bird. The film combines very stylized visuals with a more lowbrow grossout humour , and the audio deliberatly slips in and out of synch as the story goes along. The film received mostly positive reviews but very limited distribution in 2005.
1. IMDB for the movie
2. Reviews from Film Threat, Fangoria, Amos Lassen
4. Amazon DVD/donwload listing
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