Seyyed Mostafa Kashani

Seyyed Mostafa Kashani () (Birth 1830-Kashan - Death 1917-Najaf ) of the Shia scholars and the Clergymen in Qajar Iran is constitutional. Abol-Ghasem Kashani his son and Ahmad Kashani and Mahmoud Kashaniare his grandchildren. Seyyed Mostafa Kashani residence in Tehran and Najaf due to numerous titles is described. He also was called Sayed Mostafa Kashani, Seyyed Mostafa Kashani Tehrani), Seyyed Mostafa Kashani jurist and Seyyed Mostafa Kashani Najafi, but above all to "Seyyed Mostafa Kashani jurist" is famous. Seyyed Mostafa Kashani was born in Kashan. In some sources, his birth year 1851. But in most Persian and Arabic cited historical sources he was born roughly around the years 1844 or 1849 Written.
Education, teachers and students
Seyyed Mostafa in Kashan, Isfahan and Tehran to study focuses on the presence of professors in science Jsthay understand the real and reasonable and in about 24 years when the degree of ijtihad is achieved in various sciences. His introduction to the science and the godfather of the outstanding professors teaching center because Mulla Mohammad Kashani, Sheikh Jahangir Sheikh Mohammed Baqir al-Isfahani Qashqai and has benefited from the presence of Sheikh Mohammad Reza Aref Qmshhay use in Tehran and later headed to Najaf and its holy shrines in Iraq . His students include children Abol-Ghasem Kashani, Hassan Mazandaran and Agha Bozorg Tehrani cited.
Poetry, literature and art
Seyyed Mostafa Kashani addition to the intellectual and moral virtues and piety and piety, in the field of literature as well as art is the ability to have many top officials have also been calligrapher. He wrote poetry in Persian and Arabic.
Migrated to Najaf
At the end of the evening he Mirza Mohammed Hassan Husseini Shirazi and Mirza Habibollah rashti is to Najaf after a year and a few months in late 1895 as a way of Hajj. And then moves to Najaf.
Political ideas
In the life of Ayatollah Seyyed Mostafa Kashani, demonstrations and manifestations can be seen most of oppression and justice. Material because continuous support and constant movement constitutional justice, defense of Islamic countries, jihad against the infidels invading and occupying presence in the battle fronts and ....
Seyyed Mostafa Kashani one of the spiritual leaders of the movement that has many activities constitutionalism and legalism.
At the end of the Second Constitutional Era and in the years 1910 and 1911 Russia threatened Iran with military occupation, and Britain was complicit with him. On the other hand, some other Astmargan such as Italy, Libya was threatening to occupy. Shiite clerics against the colonizers who threatened the rest of Sunnis and Shias alike were viewed and entered the field of struggle. Finally fatwa and jihad against the infidels need to dispose of Russia and other colonists issued and Seyyed Mostafa Kashani was the most prominent scholars in these cases.
After years of struggle against despotism and colonialism and the struggle for social justice and reform of the chaotic situation in Islamic countries, especially Iran and Iraq, Find dominate the unbelievers because of the burden on Iraq was ill and died in 1917 .
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