Seventh Day Christians - Norway

Seventh Day Christians (Syvende dags Kristne) is a registered church in Norway, it is one of many organisations which has its roots in sabbatarian Christianity. It is associated with the Intercontinental Church of God of the United States. It is a part of Christianity that celebrates the sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest and celebrates the biblical festivals which are found recorded in Leviticus chapter 23 of the Bible.
The very first Christians in the New Testament period were mainly Jews. As the faith expanded into the regions around the Middle East it gradually attracted other nationalities. During the Protestant Reformation and its aftermath with the development of Restorationism (Christian primitivism), there were Christians looking for their roots in early Christianity. In the 1600s in England this desire to get back to the roots of Christianity expressed itself in a number of ways. One of the developments of this period was the emergence of the Seventh Day Baptists in London.
Today, there are many sabbatarian churches and groups. Among the churches in this category are:
* Church of God Seventh Day (USA and other countries)
* Seventh Day Adventist Church (USA and other countries)
* Seventh Day Baptists (USA and other countries)
Messianic Judaism is a movement within Christianity which also has the Sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest and celebrates the festivals listed in Leviticus 23 together with traditional Jewish festivals such as Purim and Hanukkah.
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