Seven Shadows

The Seven Shadows were the short-lived superhero team of heroes that operated in Chicago during the World War Two era and who were slain by the super villain, Johnny Sorrow.
Fictional character biography
The newly formed superhero team the "Seven Shadows" - consisting of Dr. Nowhere, Jake Justice, The Shard (a.k.a. the Luminary), Man-At-Arms, Lodestar, the Scarab, and the Veil - who were attempting to apprehend Johnny Sorrow at a Chicago movie theater and never got their chance to make their mark on human history as six of their seven members had all died after experiencing Sorrow's fatal gaze upon the removal of his mask, leaving a surviving member of the dreadful ordeal, Louis Sendak, the Scarab, to mourn the death of his friends and teammates.
Due to their brief and final appearance in JSA #18, their true identities and their particular set of powers are unknown.
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