
A sesterium was a unit of currency in ancient Rome equivalent to 1000 Sestertii.

A Sestertii is 2 1/2 As Roman Pounds 1728 carob beans x 2.5 4320 carob beans. A carob bean is 3 barley grains or 4 wheat grains in weight thus 12960 barley grains or 17280 wheat grains. A carob bean is 500/2640 grams thus 4320*500/2640 818.181818 grams per sestertii x 1000 818181.818 grams. And there are 0.0321507466 troy ounces in a gram, thus 26305.1563 troy ounces. This is 1803.78215 pounds or 0.901891073 short tons, which is 818.181818 kilograms or 0.818181818 metric tons of copper based metal and alloys of copper.
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