Sergio Jurado

Sergio Jurado was born June 15, 1988 in New York City where he became a public figure by starring in more than 20 TV series listed on (The Internet Movies Database ) along with his (MDb profile ). Now he resides in Las Vegas, NV where he now spent most of his time as a well known Nightlife Socialite. Now with his Acting Career behind, Sergio Jurado is The Writer of ("The Story of a Boy" ), a lifestyle blog and a leader on Social Networks and Social Media with a growing fan base of over fifteen thousand followers via his (Facebook Fans Page) and (twitter ), Sergio Jurado is an aspiring Public Figure well on his way to building his personal brand. Most Recently, his Biography has been feature on (Rotten Tomatoes Site ) was form by his fans, Seems like there is more of him to see.
brief description
"Try everything that comes your way, Just don't make it a mistake by doing it again. When I'm following my human nature, My life is apt to be unconventional, unusual, controversial, and full of insecurity and excitement. My offbeat interests and tastes lead into ventures that others may consider too "far-out" or experimental" -Sergio Jurado <ref name="Official Fans page"/>
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