The Second American Civil War, also known as the Second American Revolution, is a hypothetical inter-United States conflict that gained traction and nationwide media attention in the early 2020s. A poll conducted in June 2024 by showed that of 1,000 surveyed voters, 31% stated that a "civil war is likely within the next year". It was largely speculated that a civil war between Republican-aligned voters and Democrat-aligned voters may have broke out if Donald Trump lost the presidential election, and speculations about a possible civil war remain after the election. Several opinion polls and studies have been carried out on the topic of a potential civil war, many of which focus on political influences contributing to a future conflict. A monitor poll conducted by the of 1,000 voters showed that 73% of those asked stated that political violence is a large concern, and 52% of the respondents states that they were worried about white nationalism arising after the election. An October 2024 poll conducted by of 1,266 registered voters showed that 27% of them were highly concerned about political violence, and that 87% of surveyed voters stated that the United States was more politically divided than it was 10 years prior.