
SearchKing, Inc. is a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) firm located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This company is into client based SEO and web development services to optimize the clients’ business through search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing to generate traffic on clients' websites. SearchKing was founded by Bob Massa, an Internet pioneer, in 1997, after running
In 2002, Google decreased the PR (page rank) of SearchKing’s index page. SearchKing initially sold text ads on their sites that were based on Google’s PR. The page rank of SearchKing’s index dropped to zero after obtaining poignant success. Later Google restored the ranking of SearchKing’s website but with a low page rank.
After filing a lawsuit against Google, the final decision was declared by U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange in favor of Google. As per the ruling, the judge dismissed the case because the formula for calculating popularity of any web page comprises opinions that are confined by the First Amendment.
SearchKing and Techndu
SearchKing started up with its new division in India called Techndu in 2006. The concept of starting up with Techndu was to initiate SEO work in India. The management of Techndu is handled by Bob Massa (CEO) and Devesh Dodeja (COO). With SEO activities, this division also focuses on web development from applications such as ASP, .NET, Java, Joomla, and PHP.
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