Scripture alone the source of authority

Scripture alone the source of authority is a doctrine held by some followers of religions that their respected religious text is the sole source of authority or faith.
Nichiren Buddhism is the Buddhist branch that believes the Gosho is the sole religious authority in dharma. Nichiren Buddhists interpret their scripture according to Nichiren's teachings.
Karaism is the Jewish religious movement that believes the Tanakh is the sole religious authority in the halakha and Jewish theology. Karaite Jews interpret their scripture according to peshat, the plain meaning of the text understood by the ancient Israelite authors.
Sola scriptura is the Christian denominations that believes the Bible is the sole religious authority in faith and practice. Sola scriptura Christitans interpret their scripture according to personal interpretation in the vernacular language. Sola scriptura is not the same as prima scriptura.
Quranism is the Islamic sect that believes the Quran is the sole religious authority in the sharia and rejects the hadiths. Quranist Muslims interpret their scripture according to the Quran itself, as they believe it is clear, complete, and understandable.
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