Scottish Young Conservatives

The Scottish Young Conservatives (SYC) is the youth wing of the Scottish Conservatives for members aged 25 and under. The organisation shares the same values and policies as its parent political party with branches being an integrated part of local associations. SYC is both social and political, aiming to bring together young conservatives and encouraging young people to get involved in campaigning.
Unlike , SYC has an elected executive board, consisting of 3 national officers, Chair, National Campaigns Coordinator and Secretary, and 3 Regional Chairs. The organisation has formed itself into three regions. Within the regions University Conservative and Unionist Associations sit under the local Conservative branches.
The Scottish Young Conservatives were founded in 2018 after the dissolving of Conservative Future Scotland, with its inaugural chair being James Bundy.
The Scottish Young Conservatives succeeded Conservative Future Scotland as the Student wings of political parties in Scotland of the Scottish Conservatives. CFS was formed in 2005 and dissolved shortly after the 2017 general election. The new youth branch kept relatively similar goals and objectives with the key difference being in the new organisational structure of SYC. The role of Non-voting member was abolished and Regional Chairs became responsible for Young Conservative activities and events, without exclusive representation for just University Associations.
The committee consists of a total of six positions. Including the National Chair, these are; National Campaigns Co-ordinator, National Secretary, North Regional Chair, East Regional Chair, West Regional Chair.
The organisation is the third largest party-political Youth organisation in Scotland after Scottish Labour Students and SNP Students, of a similar size to Scottish Young Greens and somewhat larger than Scottish Young Liberals.
University affiliate clubs consist of:
*Glasgow University Conservative Association
*Edinburgh University Conservative & Unionists Association
*St Andrews University Conservative Association
*University of Aberdeen Conservative and Unionist Association
*University of Stirling Conservative Society
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