Sauce OnDemand

Sauce OnDemand is a hosted on-demand software testing framework used to remotely execute browser-based tests during web application development. Based on the open source Selenium RC distribution, the service provides instant access to cross-browser testing for test scripts previously created in Selenium IDE. Tests are executed remotely and video results of the tests can be played back at a later time. Sauce OnDemand supports testing across a number of popular programming languages, including Java, Ruby, Groovy, Python, PHP, and Perl. Test playback is in most modern web browsers.

Sauce OnDemand was developed by the original author of Selenium, Jason Huggins and is published by Sauce Labs. The service is a modified implementation of Selenium RC that runs in .
Sauce OnDemand supports:
*Run test scripts remotely across browsers
*API control of mainstream web browsers to automate browser-based tasks
*Video playback of test failures
*Detailed log tracking of test runs
*Download video and logs for offline viewing
*Set maximum test run duration to prevent broken tests from running indefinitely
Originally launched a private beta in April of 2009 under the name Sauce RC, as the service was based off of Selenium RC. In October 2009 the product name was formally changed to Sauce OnDemand. The name was changed to allow an alternate downloadable distribution of Selenium RC named Sauce RC.
Supported Browsers
*Mozilla Firefox - versions 2, 3.0 and 3.5. Version 3.0 on Linux is also supported.
*Internet Explorer - versions 6, 7, and 8
*Apple Safari - versions 3 and 4
*Opera - version 9.96
*Google Chrome on Windows
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