El Club de los Astronautas

El Club de los Astronautas is a space advocacy group of artists. They promote a manned, interstellar voyage by doing art and debating strategies that might make stand out this idea beyond fiction. The goal is to familiarize people with the notable claim that there is presently a more-then-zero-chance to realize an interstellar voyage and meet alien civilizations once in your lifetime, an extremely tingling adventure, and that this is a worthy and feasible goal for humanity in the 21th century. Therefore a hypothetical spaceship is suggested, the Mare Nostrum Spaceship, which builds upon the following ideas and topics:
* regenerative and anti-aging medicine, stem cell and gene therapy
* new pharmaceuticals, nootropics and adult neurogenesis
* neurally-controlled animats, biomechanics and artificial organs
* supercomputing, neurosimulation and neuronal modeling
* neurotechnology, brain computer interfaces and neuroprosthetics
* the metaverse and the socio-psychology of the avatar and the internet
* bioethics, technopolitics, science fanaticism and human rights
El Club de los Astronautas was invited to the Museum of Science of Barcelona (Cosmocaixa), the University of Barcelona, the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), to HispaCon, Sónar, Institut Fatima, etc.
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