Sarah gleeson

Sarah Gleeson is the name of a notable fictional character in the graphic novel series "Meds gone mad" by the late Gil Kane and Archie Goodwin authors of Blackmark (1971) which meds was a spin-off of. It is hugely popular in underground comic circles, particularly in Ireland. It is rumored to be the subject of The Blizzards song " although this has not been confirmed.

In the first graphic novel Sarah is a neutral character, working for Dr. Strangely but with no inclination of his work on the superpropeller collider experiment. She seems quite forgetful sometimes bordering on stupidity, which Dr. Strangely comments on frequently. He also refers to her height often, and this becomes a running joke throughout the novel with albert commenting at one stage

"Where's nanosecretary today? Sick? Or is she just standing behind an extremely small object. Like a proton.""

At the the end of the first novel it is clear she was in the building at the time of the explosion, however it is not mentioned whether she survived or not.

In the second novel it is revealed that she is the mysterious supervillain "Nanowoman" who seems intent on destroying the practice. Her superpowers, presumably gained during the explosion (although this is never directly said) include the ability to shrink to microscopic sizes and thus fly/float due to her tiny density, as well as control people by playing with their brains. She is accidentally killed by Ruth who mistakes her for a fly.
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