Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy

Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy (Practicing Policy Architect since 1989) is a 1989 batch Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer belonging to the Uttar Pradesh cadre. Sanjay Bhoosreddy is currently serving as the Additional Chief Secretary to Excise and Sugar Industry & Cane Development Department of Uttar Pradesh and previously served as the Chief Vigilance Officer of the MMTC, New Delhi.
Sanjay Bhoosreddy holds several degrees in law from the University College of Law at Nagpur, India, He has served in various key positions as an IAS officer for both the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the Government of India, including serving as the Additional Chief Secretary to Sugar Industry and Cane Development Department & Excise Department, and Sugar & Cane Commissioner to Sugar Industry & Cane Development Department of Uttar Pradesh, and served as Chief Vigillance Officer, M.M.T.C. Limited, the Joint Secretary of Administration & Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Judicial Member of Board of Revenue, Lucknow.
Sanjay Bhoosreddy held various Postings & positions as Joint Secretary, Administration & National Livestock Mission, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, <b>Government of India.</b> Chief Vigilance Officer, MMTC Limited, Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi, India as Corporate Administration. Judicial Member, Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow. Managing Director, Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, Lucknow. <b>Secretary</b>, Additional Sources of Energy & Director, NEDA, UP, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. Secretary, Housing & Urban Planning and Executive Director, Awas Bandhu & Director, Urban Land Ceiling, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. <b>Special Secretary</b>, Housing & Urban Planning and Executive Director, Awas Bandhu & Director, Urban Land Ceiling, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. Special Secretary, Information and Public Relations & Director, Information and Public Relations, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh as <b>State Administration.</b> <b>Special Secretary</b> to Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow. Staff Officer to Chief Secretary & Joint Secretary to Govt. of Uttar Pradesh as <b>Staff Administration</b>. District Magistrate & Collector, Almora, Balrampur, Unnao & Bareilly. Chairman, District Urban Development Agency, Almora, Balrampur, Unnao & Bareilly. Chairman, District Rural Development Agency, Almora, Balrampur Unnao & Bareilly. Chairman, District Fish Farmers' Development Agency, Almora, Balrampur Unnao & Bareilly as <b>District Administration.</b> Chief Development Officer, Agra, Faizabad & Ambedkar Nagar. Vice Chairman, District Rural Development Agency, Agra, Faizabad & Ambedkar Nagar. Vice Chairman, District Fish Farmers' Development Agency, Agra, Faizabad & Ambedkar Nagar as <b>Developmental Administration.</b> Joint Magistrate Mathura, Jhansi & Etawah. Chairman, Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee Mathura, Jhansi & Etawah as <b>Regulatory Administration.</b> He also duties performed as <b>Election observer</b> in 31 General Elections & Bye Elections in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Presidential and Vice- residential Elections.
<span style"border:5px double black">PROJECTS, PROGRAMMES & TASKS: -</span> ==
<mark>Development of Revenue Laws and Jurisprudence: -</mark>
Revenue Judicial Work:
Judgements were delivered in 3309 cases, a record achievement as I heard them in just 393 court days in which some cases were pending since 1971-72. This benefited the public at large, especially poor, downtrodden and female litigants. In addition to this by pronouncing one single verdict, ensured the early and final disposal of more than 3000 cases across the State. This important verdict prevented the litigants from undue litigation and harassment. The rate of disposal of cases of my Court was always more than 225%.
Development of Revenue Jurisprudence:
Of the cases disposed in Single Bench, 185 cases were reported in all Revenue Law Journals as Landmark Judgements. In addition to the above achievements, delivered 09 Judgments on behalf of the Division Bench of the Board of Revenue of which 02 judgements were reported in all Revenue Law Journals as Landmark Judgements and 03 Judgments on behalf of the Full Bench of the Board of Revenue of which 02 judgements were reported in all Revenue Law Journals as Landmark Judgements. In all 189 cases were reported in all Revenue Law Journals as Landmark Judgements, on intricate legal issues thereby laying down legal principles and settling many legal issues permanently.
Development of Court Management System for the Board of Revenue, UP:
Court Cases Management System and Computerization of Court records & Judgements were modernised under my supervision for greater efficiency and transparency in the system. Developed a computerized system "Revenue Court Case Management System" to effectively monitor and expedite the disposal of pending cases. All details of these cases have been entered in the computer, which has been made online. As a result of the abovementioned System, Computerized Cause List could be generated for every court enlisting oldest cases first for their early disposal. Cause List, Misil-Band register and order sheets are being generated with the help of the Revenue Court Case Management System. A computerized receipt to the Revisionist/ Appellant/Applicant filing a new case is also being issued and it conforms the filing of his case and other details for which the litigant does have to depend on the lawyers, their clerks or the lower clerical staff.
<mark>Execution of Traffic & Transportation Projects and Tasks: -</mark>
Decongestion of Charbagh Traffic:
As CEO of UPSRTC, the long pending issues of shifting Charbagh inter-state bus station to new Alambagh inter-state bus station was executed meticulously. This issue was pending since 1946. The new Alambagh bus station, which was till then an unused infrastructure is now being fully utilised. This move has totally removed the congestion and traffic Jam at Charbagh Railway Station and Bus Station area and brought lot of accolades from public. To avoid any inconvenience to bus-passengers due to shifting of bus stand; started a shuttle service between Charbagh-Alambagh every 15 minutes. The inter-city bus establishment, which was literally on road, is now at Charbagh bus station. This has not only utilized the Charbagh bus station but also improved operational efficiency and control.
Take-over of 39 Nationalized State Routes in the Western region of the State:
As CEO of UPSRTC, I directly executed the takeover of 39 Nationalized State routes in the western region of the State by online supervision and coordination, by deployment of branch heads with detailed Action Plans and by allotting specific targets. To complete the above task in a time bound manner a very high degree of coordination with the concerned District Magistrates and Divisional Commissioners was achieved in a very short span and in a swift manner. Print and electronic media’s continuous coverage helped in gaining appreciation and reviving public faith in the organised transport system. This issue was pending since 1959.
Establishing Central City Bus Terminal (CCBT):
As CEO of UPSRTC, the vacated Charbagh Bus Station premises was declared as CCBT for optimum utilization of resources, to enhance facilities to city passengers, better control on operations, and avoiding any attempt of misuse or encroachment.
Financial Achievements:
An increased cash profit of Rs 123.51 Crores is achieved during June-September, 2007. The accomplishment of Rs. 65.48 Crores net profit was made during June-September, 2007. Increase in occupancy and improved bus productivity led to this achievement. Rs. 71.85 Crores was paid as Additional tax to the Government in June-September, 2007 as against Rs.44.46 Crore in June-September, 2006; an increase of approximately 60%. Ensured bus-utilization of 325 kms/bus/day a gain of 09 points over previous period. 94% buses kept on-road during the period of June-September, 2007 for better utilization of buses.
Grievance Redressal System:
Suitable administrative structure for grievance redressal developed for better dealing of grievances. Transparent & honest working created harmony & mutual trust with the trade unions, which enabled everyone to contribute to the best of his capacity & capability. This has increased the productivity of each and every worker. No work disruption took place during this period.
<mark>Execution of New & Renewable Energy Projects & Programmes: -</mark>
Renewable energy power projects - Grid:
As Secretary, Non-conventional Energy and Director NEDA, submitted proposals to the tune of 664 MW to the GoI, out of which projects of 310 MW capacities were sanctioned and installed. A private entrepreneur was motivated to set up a biomass power project to produce 15 MW power from rice husk. The assistance was provided in obtaining relevant clearances from the government and signing of a power purchase agreement with U.P. Power Corporation Limited. Co-generation projects were also promoted in paper mills for producing electricity, which were based on biomass other than baggasse. Submitted Proposals for 45 MW to GoI, out of which projects of 16.5 MW were installed. Activities were also initiated to obtain power from industrial waste and the efforts in this direction resulted in developing projects of 2 MW.
Renewable power projects - Non-grid:
As Secretary, Non-conventional Energy and Director NEDA, in non-grid category the technology promoted was gasification technology and the raw materials used were mainly rice husk and waste wood chips. Submitted projects to the tune of 2.37 MW to GoI for their approval, out of which 1.2 MW capacities was installed for power generation. In thermal mode, projects equivalent to 12.79 MW thermal were submitted to GoI and 5.84 MW capacity thermal projects were installed in Bakeries and Snack manufacturing units. The projects were small projects and were for captive power generation in small industrial units or for thermal energy generation.
Efforts for renewable energy power development:
Under clean technology initiative (CTI) of USAID, a major programme was launched for capacity building and to create awareness about green power in the industrial scenario of the state. Three large business meetings were conducted with the industrialists and entrepreneurs. The first was at Meerut, second was at Lucknow and the third was as Balrampur. In these business meets, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, technology providers and financial institutions were invited for interaction. Large number of industrialists and entrepreneurs attended these programmes. One business meet was organised at Varanasi, which was devoted for gasifier systems for producing electrical energy as well as thermal energy, utilizing the upcoming gasification technology.
Decentralized systems and devices:
Renewable energy systems such as solar water heaters are used for meeting the supplementary energy requirement in domestic sector and commercial sector. Business meets in major cities of the state were conducted to promote the usage of solar water heaters. A capacity of 1,18,925 lpd was created in the state to save the electrical energy, which would have been otherwise used for heating water.
To provide street lighting in the villages were no such facility is provided by the UPPCL, Solar street lighting systems have been installed. Approx. 390 villages were benefited under this programme by installing 3982 solar streetlights.
<mark>Structural Reforms in Housing and Urban Planning Sector : Through Major Policy Initiatives & Legal Interventions:-</mark>
Development of New Townships through Private Investment:
I formulated the following two policies to promote private investment in housing and infrastructure through development of new townships: -
(i) Development of Hi-tech Townships with a minimum area of 1500 acres and minimum investment of Rs. 750 crores.
(ii) Land assembly and infrastructure development for housing schemes (Integrated Townships ranging from minimum 25 acres to maximum 500 acres) through private investment.
Both these policies are under implementation in major cities of the state. 10 Hi-tech Township projects were approved with an expected investment potential of about Rs. 20,000 crores, generation of employment opportunities for about 4 lac persons and a housing stock of about 2.50 lac dwelling units during the 5 years’ project period. These policies would also support and enable private investment in other sectors of the state economy.
Blue-Print for Urban Infrastructure Development:
As Executive Director Awas Bandhu, I formulated and executed, the "Blue Print for Urban Infrastructure Development" in the year 2000-01 to ensure integrated development of urban infrastructure in the major cities of the state. The projects identified under the ‘Blue-Print’ comprise completion of gaps and provision and augmentation of infrastructure services like water supply, drainage, sewerage, electricity, and roads, etc. The unique feature of this Programme is the convergence and dove-tailing of resources of various departments connected with housing and urban development viz., Housing, Urban Development, Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation, Public Works Department, Railways, etc.
Simplified Model Building Bye-laws:
A simplified Model Building Code known as "Building Construction and Development Bye-laws, 2000" was prepared to create an enabling regulatory regime where all sections of the society could secure affordable housing. It prescribes simplified procedure for obtaining development and building permits including deemed approval and provides for innovative concepts such as Purchasable FAR and Compensatory FAR. The new Building Bye-laws were enforced in all the Development Authorities and the Housing and Development Board from October, 2000.
Model Zoning Regulations:
Model Zoning Regulations were framed to enhance the functionality of the Master Plans, which provide for greater environmental compatibility between places of work, living and recreation. The new regulations are user-friendly, more flexible, encouraging development both physical and economic, ensuring environmental protection, and increasing the functional efficiency of urban settlements. These regulations were enforced in the Development Authorities and Regulated Areas in the year 2002.
Earthquake Resistant Technologies:
To regulate the construction activity from structural safety angle in the public as well as private sector, the recommendatory provisions of standards and codes relating to earthquake resistant technologies as provided in the ISI Code and National Building Code, were made mandatory in the design and construction of three-storied buildings/buildings above 12 m. height and all infrastructure related buildings with a covered area of 500 Sq.m. and above in the urban areas of the State.
Rainwater Harvesting:
To arrest ground water decline and improve ground water levels, provision of rooftop rainwater harvesting was made mandatory in all buildings having a plot area of 300 Sq.m. and above. Besides, conservation of ponds, lakes and reservoirs in the urban areas is also mandatory at different levels of planning viz., Master Plans, Zonal Development Plans and Layout Plans. Accordingly, provisions were made in the Building Bye-laws so that adoption of appropriate rainwater harvesting techniques is complied with at the time of plan approval.
Regularisation of Unauthorized Colonies:
Problem of unauthorized colonies has become more severe on account of lack of availability of low income housing in adequate numbers at affordable prices in the major cities of the State. In order to tackle the problem of unauthorized colonies, a policy was framed to regularize unauthorized colonies and provide basic infrastructure services like roads, drainage, sanitation and electricity, etc. as per paying capacity of the beneficiaries. Directions were issued to all the Development Authorities to carry out regularisation of unauthorised colonies in accordance with the guidelines prepared by the Housing and Urban Planning Department.
Citizen Charter:
Citizen Charter was framed for the Development Authorities and the Housing and Development Board, which establish clearly enforceable norms to ensure an efficient housing, and related infrastructure delivery system. Directions were issued to implement the citizen charter in its true letter and spirit. It was also provided that an independent agency will be deployed or a Citizen Forum be constituted in every Development Authority for redressal of public grievances.
Integrated Application Software Package (IASP):
An Integrated Application Software Package (IASP) was developed by the Housing and Urban Planning Department through M/s Birla Soft Ltd. The IASP will connect all the housing authorities with 'Single Digital Umbrella' and bring about a qualitative change in their working. Recording, processing, storage, retrieval and management of information for the housing operations of Development Authorities and Housing and Development Board would become simpler and speedy. The working system of the various authorities would improve drastically and ensure transparency in information flow to the public. After complete implementation of the IASP, the public can access on-line the details of payment related to a property, availability and cost of plots/houses in any scheme, status of building permit applications, refund of money, etc.
Finance & Accounts Manual:
As Special Secretary, Housing & Urban Planning and Executive Director Awas Bandhu, "Uttar Pradesh Development Authorities’ Finance & Accounts Manual, 2002" was conceived, designed and developed in order to streamline the financial management of the Development Authorities and to plug the loopholes and lay a futuristic, comprehensive and adaptable approach towards Finance and Accounts Management of the state.
After the Notification of the aforesaid Manual in 2002, some major amendments were made by the Indian Parliament in the Finance and Income Tax laws, which brought the Development Authorities within its ambit. I re-examined and revised the aforementioned "Manual, 2002" with the help of financial experts to bring it in tune with the requirements and it was notified as "Uttar Pradesh Development Authorities Finance & Accounts Manual, 2004.
In the era of E-Governance the Authorities will be at ease to trigger-off total computerization of efficient and transparent functioning, subsequent to the implementation of this Manual. It will also assist in the effective transmission of data between the Development Authorities and the Government.
<mark>Human Resource Development through Implementation of Education and Literacy Drives & Programmes: -</mark>
Total Literacy Project, Agra: I implemented the project as the Chief Project Coordinator from beginning to the end of the implementation phase. Agra was the first district to be declared as a Total Literate district of Uttar Pradesh. The Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures, Forms & Reports, on necessary parameters, for 'Qualitative Implementation' of the Project were developed by me and the same were accepted as 'Good, Scientific & Meticulous' and it was circulated by the National Literacy Mission to all Project districts. The Total Literacy Project of Agra also got the distinction of being classified as ‘Agra Model’.
Post Literacy Project, Agra:
I formulated and initiated the Execution of the 'Post Literacy Project' for Agra district after we successfully completed the 'Total Literacy Project'. I formulated and presented the project before the National Literacy Mission, Govt. of India that was approved as formulated & presented and immediately the 'Project' was sanctioned. I carried out the first year of implementation.
Total Literacy Project, Faizabad:
I took over the execution of the project as the Chief Project Co-ordinator from the middle of the implementation phase. I redefined the Action Plan for Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation on the basis of my ‘Agra Experience'.

<span style"border:5px double black">PUBLICATIONS & STUDY PAPERS</span> ==
; 1)
: Case Study on Caste & Community related Law & Order problems in U.P (Mehrana Episode in district Mathura), Published by Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussooire, (UP), India.
; 2)
: Computerisation of Land Records in UP.
; 3)
: Socio - Legal Research on the Sociology of Legal Profession and Administration of Justice.
; 4)
: Articles in “The Administrator”. Published by Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, (UP), India.
; 5)
: An Impact Assessment Study with respect to Stakeholder’s Perception on Initiatives by Sugar Industry & Cane Development Department, U.P.
; 6)
: Easy of Doing Business Initiatives for Stakeholders.
; 7)
: Lal Bahadur Shastri Ganna Kisan Sansthan, U.P Training Policy, Guidelines and Training Program.
; 8)
: Steps are being taken towards the prosperity of sugarcane farmers of the state and stability in sugar industry.
; 9)
: Case Study Operations of Sugar Industry during Covid-19 induced lockdown in Uttar Pradesh Processes, Impact and Future Business Model.
; 10)
: Compilation of important orders issued for Co-operative Sugarcane Development Societies.

<span style"border:5px double black">Highlights</span> ==
1. Cane price payment
i) During the tenure of present Government, a record cane price payment
of more than Rs.1,73,669 crore has been ensured to the 46.02 lakh
sugarcane farmers.
ii) This cane price payment of Rs.1,73,669 crore ensured by the
Government to cane farmers, which is Rs.78,454 crore more than the
combined cane price payment of Rs.95,215 of previous 05 years.
iii) In the interest of farmers, with a view to liquidate the cane price payable
for crushing season 2017-18, the following arrangements have been
made by the State Government to ensure payment of their outstanding
cane dues.:-
(A) For the first time, the Government of Uttar Pradesh announced
"Scheme for giving financial assistance to sugar undertakings-2018" for
giving loans to sugar mills on simple interest for quick payment of cane
dues of sugarcane farmers and for this, a loan of Rs.4,000 crore was
sanctioned. Under the said scheme 53 sugar mills were provided a loan
of Rs.2,916 crore on simple interest.
(B) In addition to the above, an amount of about Rs.483 crores was
provided by State Government as financial assistance to the sugar mills
at the rate of Rs.4.50 per quintal based on the total cane purchased by
sugar mills in the crushing season 2017-18.
2. Escrow Account system implemented to ensure cane price payment
i) For the first time in the State, Escrow Account of all sugar mills have
been opened in the banks for the purpose of cane price payment. These
accounts will be operated with joint signature of departmental and sugar
mill officers.
ii) 85% of the money received from the sale of sugar, molasses, bagasse
and press mud by sugar mills will be deposited in Escrow Account.
iii) The joint signing of departmental officers will ensure full compliance of
the tagging orders.
iv) The Escrow Account mechanism has put a check on the diversion of
funds from cane price account by sugar mills.
v) Escrow Account will ensure timely payment of cane price and cane
development contribution.
3. After many years the parchi issuance work has been withdrawn from sugar mills and given back to cane farmers organization i.e. Cane Development Societies
i) About 25 years ago the work of parchi issuance was allocated to sugar
mills from sugarcane societies.
ii) This rights was misused by the sugar mills, with the nexus of sugar mills
the number of sugarcane Mafia increased drastically.
iii) In the last two years, record 12.17 lakh farmers became new members
of Cane Development Societies and about 3.90 lakh fake and double
bonds have been closed.
iv Due to timely receipt of parchies, cane farmers supplied fresh cane to
the mills which increased the purity of cane juice by around 3%.
4. E.R.P. brought Full transparency in parchi issuance work
i) All information about survey, satta, calendar etc. of sugarcane farmers of
the state is available on the website ''.
ii) 'E-ganna app' download facility from Google Play Store to get
information about survey, satta, calendar and parchi issue.
iii) Any farmer can see the information about survey, satta, calendar,
parchi issued to him or to any other farmer of the state through the
website '' or 'E-ganna app'.
iv) This year bonding of about 46.21 lakh sugarcane farmers was done, out
of which 9.24 lakh were small farmers and 9.24 lakh parchies have been
issued to them.45.70 lakh farmers have downloaded the 'E-ganna
app',25 crore times farmers have seen their information on the website
v) E.R.P ensured complete transparency in parchies issuance.
5. Department achievements for sugarcane farmers
i) The average sugar cane productivity of the State increased from 72.38
tonne per hectare to 81.50 tonne per hectare now farmers are getting
additional production of 9.12 metric tonne per hectare.
ii) This increased production gave farmers an additional income of
Rs.29,184 per hectare.
iii) Average sugar recovery of State increase by 0.48in Four crushing seasons, and this increase in average sugar recovery caused 20.61 lakh tonne of additional sugar production in the State.
iv) The increase in area under intercropping with sugarcane ensured an
additional income of 25% to the farmers.
v) The increased sugarcane and sugar production generated employment
to the thousands of people.
vi) The sugarcane and sugar industry contribution increased in State G.D.P.
6. State set records in sugarcane crushing, sugar recovery and sugar production
i) The average sugar recovery of the State increased from 10.61% in the
year 2016-17 to 11.46% in the year 2020-21.(10.76 with B-Heavy
ii) The sugar mills of the state crushed a record 4,289 lakh tonnes of
sugarcane in the last four years.
iii) A record production of 475.68 lakh tonnes of sugar in four years 2017-
18, 2018-19,2019-20 and 2020-21.
iv) Uttar Pradesh remain on top in sugar production in the Country for 03
consecutive years.
v) Uttar Pradesh accounts for 59% of the total sugarcane area of the
country and 60% of the sugarcane production. In crushing season
2019-20 Uttar Pradesh has contributed 44% of the total sugarcane
crushing and 46% of the total sugar production of India.
7. With a view to ensure timely supply of sugarcane to farmers, establishment of new sugar mills and expansion of crushing capacity of pre-installed sugar mills
i) In place of closed sugar mills, Pipraich (Gorakhpur) and Munderwa
(Basti) of the Corporation sector. New sugar mills of 5,000 T.C.D. and
27MW capacity co-generation plant were set up. Pipraich Mill was
inaugurated on 17.11.2019 and Munderwa Mill was inaugurated on
21.11.2019 by the Hon'ble Chief Minister. In Pipraich sugar mill, It is also
proposed to set up a distillery of 120 K.L.P.D. capacity. The said
distillery will have facility to make ethanol directly from sugarcane juice.
Thus the Pipraich Mill will be the first sugar mill in North India to make
ethanol directly from sugarcane juice.
ii) In view of sugarcane supply problem of farmers, crushing capacity of
sugar mill, Ramala (Baghpat) extended from 2,750 to 5,000 T.C.D. and
27 MWcogen plant was installed. The inauguration of which was done
on 04.11.2019 by the Hon'ble Chief Minister.
iii) Crushing capacity of Mohiuddinpur-Meerut sugar mill of corporation
sector extended from 2,500 T.C.D. to 3,500 T.C.D. that can be extended
up to 5,000 TCD and a 15 MWcogen plant was also set up.
iv) The said projects created direct / indirect employment for about 15,000
v) Electricity production in these cozen units will be helpful in solving the
energy problem of the state.
vi) Improvement in economic condition of sugar mills by this alternative
income which will facilitate them in payment of cane price.
vii) Nearly 1,00,000 farmers will be facilitated in sugarcane supply and their
economic condition will improve.
viii) In addition to the above, 11 sugar mills in the private sector extended
their crushing capacity viz., Shamli-1,500 T.C.D., Oon-2,000 T.C.D.,
Bilari-2,000 T.C.D., Hariyanwan-5,000 TCD., Nigohi-1,500 T.C.D.,
Agwanpur-2,400 T.C.D., Tikaula-1,200 T.C.D., Venus-5,00 T.C.D.,
Biswan-1,000 T.C.D., Karimganj-2,000 T.C.D. and Motinagar-1,500
T.C.D. Thus a total of 20,600 TCD crushing capacity has been
expanded, which will benefit the sugarcane farmers of these mill areas.
ix) Thus, as a result of establishment of new sugar mills and expansion of
crushing capacity, 33,850 TCD crushing capacity of the Sugar Mills of
the state has been increased.
8. Establishment of new distilleries in cooperative sugar mills
i) 02 new distilleries, 40 K.L.P.D. capacity in Cooperative Sugar Mill, Sneh
Road (Bijnor) and 30 K.L.P.D. capacity at Cooperative Sugar Mill,
Sathianv (Azamgarh) were established.
ii) Improvement in economic condition of both sugar mills and ease of
payment in sugarcane price due to alternative source of income.
iii) Generation of additional employment.
iv) Increase in ethanol production will contribute to the ethanol blending
program and will Reduce the problem of environmental pollution as well
as saving foreign currency on petroleum fuel.
9. Improvement in efficiency of cooperative sugar mills by modernization of plants
i) An amount of Rs.100 crore has been made available to the sugar mills
by the Government for modernization work.
ii) Technological upgradation work has been done in the cooperative sugar
mills of Anupshahar (Bulandshahar), Nanpara (Bahraich), Sarsawa
(Saharanpur) and Puwaian (Shahjahanpur), Belrayanya and
Sampurnanagar (LakhimpurKheri), this year.
iii) After modernization, the consumption of steam in these sugar mills will
reduce and energy and baggasse will be saved. During the operation of
the mills, the breakdowns will reduce and the quality of sugar will
improve which will give each mill an additional saving of about
Rs.04-05crores per year.
iv) The setting up of "Zero Liquid Discharge" plant in 06 co-operative
distilleries, this will ensure press mud based bio-compost availability to
the farmers along with 25-30 percent reduction in ground water
10. Changes in Satta policy to facilitate sugarcane farmers in supplying their cane
i) The maximum satta limit per farmer has been fixed at 850 quintal for
marginal farmers (upto 1 hectare),1,700 quintal for small farmers (upto
2 hectare), and 4,250 quintal for general farmers (up to 5 hectare). In
case of yield increase the maximum limit will be 1,350
quintal, 2,700 quintals as 6,750 quintal per farmer respectively for
marginal, small and general farmers.
ii) For calculating the basic quota of cane supplier, the maximum, out of
02 years cane supply average, 03 years cane supply average and 05
years cane supply average has been fixed. To facilitate the small
farmers, having basic quota up to 60 quintals, will be given parchies
within 45 days of starting of crushing operation by sugars mill.
iii) With a view to discourage sowing of rejected sugarcane varieties and to
promote improved varieties, the benefit of additional Satta/general
increase/yield increase will not be admissible on sugarcane of rejected
iv) Along with soldiers, as well as paramilitary forces viz. C.R.P.F., B.S.F.,
S.S.B., C.I.S.F., I.T.B.P. and Assam Riflies will also get upto 20% priority
in sugarcane supply from January 01.2020.
11. To double the income of sugarcane farmers, an effort to increase sugarcane productivity and reduce production costs by implementing a '9-point' sugarcane development program
i) Under this, for doubling the income of sugarcane farmers by the year
2022, the '8-point' action plan for sugarcane farmers and sugar industry
was started by the Department of Sugarcane Development, in the year
2017-18 and '9-point' action plan in year 2018-19, Which is currently
also continuing in which increasing productivity of sugarcane, reduction in
cost of cultivation, making scientific recommendations available to
farmers through trainings, sugarcane marketing and sugarcane price
payment, facilitating smooth roads, for quick cane transportation,
strengthening of sugar industry, environmental protection, promoting
sugarcane research and promoting traditional farming have been
included. As a result, the average productivity of sugarcane has
increased from 72.38 to 81.50 tonnes per hectare. Due to 8.72 tonnes
per hectare increase in productivity, the average income of sugarcane
farmers has increased by about Rs.29,184 per hectare.
To double the income of sugarcane farmers, an effort to increase sugarcane productivity and reduce production costs by implementing a '9-point' sugarcane development program
Implementation of programs in the '09-point' action plan for the year 2020-21
(i) Increase in sugarcane productivity
(ii) Reducing the cost of production of sugarcane
(iii) To make available scientific recommendations to farmers by training
(iv) Provision of good roads for quick cane transportation
(v) Sugarcane Marketing and Sugarcane Price Payment
(vi) Strengthening of Sugar Industry
(vii) Environmental protection
(viii) Encouraging sugarcane research
(ix) Promotion of traditional farming
12. Better management and distribution of agricultural inputs
i) Record 323.60 lakh quintal of cane seed of improved varieties
distributed to farmers in the last four years
ii) In the last four years, cane societies have distributed 5,44,609.79 MT of
urea, 107,229.11 MT of D.A.P. and 72,849.72 MT N.P.K. to farmers.
iii) The use of pure and healthy cane seed increased sugarcane production
and sugar recovery.
iv) Improvement in fertility and productivity of soil due to better fertilizer
13. Establishment of drip irrigation system to achieve More crop per drop
i) Drip irrigation system set up in 24,745 hectare sugarcane area in last five years.
ii) Irrigation water saving up to 50%.
iii) Saving of 50%, in use of chemical fertilizers due to use of fertilizers along with irrigation water.
iv) Water and fertilizer use efficiency increased.
v) Sugarcane cultivation possible even in the alkaline soils and scanty rainfall areas.
vi) Easy control of weeds in crops.
vii) Reduction in cost of cultivation and increase in income of farmers.
14. Increasing the productivity of ratoon through improved ratoon management
i) Ratoon management in 8.74 lakh hectare area in last 5 years.
ii) 05 to 10% increase in productivity of ratoon.
iii) 02-5% increase in sugar recovery.
iv) Up to 05 percent increase in income of farmers.
15. Promotion of crop diversification through intercropping with sugarcane
i) Intercropping with sugarcane in 22.69 lakh hectare area in last 5 years.
ii) Farmers get an additional crop.
iii) Increase in income of farmers by about 25%.
iv) 05-10% reduction on cost of cultivation.
16. Promotion of improved sugarcane sowing method (trench method)
i) In the last 5 years, 25.90 lakh hectares of sugarcane was sown by
trench method.
ii) Reduction in use of water and fertilizers in sugarcane.
iii) Increase in yield of sugarcane by 10 to 15%.
iv) Increase in income of farmers by 05 to 10%.
17. A bold decision taken by the department for priority in sugarcane supply to small sugarcane farmers
i) For the first time, 9.38 lakh small farmers (upto satta of 60 quintals) were
giver parchies, within 45 days of running the sugar mill, for their
sugarcane supply.
ii) Early sugarcane supply provided small farmers early payment of
sugarcane, which facilitated their livelihood.
iii) Additional benefits of sowing rabi crop in the field vacated due to priority
in supply.
iv) Freedom from the clutches of middlemen due to the facility of supply of
sugarcane directly to the sugar mill.
18. To promote Khandsari and jaggery industry, online license system for Khandsari unit started from 2018-19
i) Khandsari licensing policy released for year 2018-19.
ii) Farmers will get additional options for cane supply.
iii) Competition in sugar mill and khandsari industry will benefit farmers.
iv) Rural economy will improve, employment will be created.
v) For obtaining a khandsari unit license the minimum required radial
distance from a sugar mill gate has been reduced to 7.5km from 15 km.
vi) Only jaggery and rab making units exempted from license.
vii) For reoperation of old units the dormant fee.
viii) System of issuing online license within 100 hours of submission of
application. So far, 279 licenses have been issued, which will add
71,750 T.C.D. in crushing capacity of the State.
19. To provide employment in rural areas by promoting jaggery industry and khandsari for the improvement of rural economy
i) As a result of changes in the Khandsari licensing policy by the Sugar
Industry and Sugarcane Development Department and implementation
of online Khandsari licensing system and their widespread publicity, a
total of 278 Khandsari licenses were issued for the first time in the last
25 years in the state, out of which a total of 71,350 T.C.D. crushing
Capacity created.
ii) Out of the 278 licenses issued, 172 units have been operated in the
crushing season 2021-22, With the operation of these units a capital
investment of about 688 crores in rural areas. The operation of these
units generated direct/indirect employment about 19,264 people.
iii) After installation of all 278 units, 71,350 T.C.D. of additional crushing
capacity will be created in the rural areas of the state and with a capital
investment of Rs.1,205.20 crore about 31,210 people will get
direct/indirect employment.
iv) By operating these units, sugarcane farmers will also have an additional
option for crushing sugarcane and their economic condition will improve.
20. Strengthening of Cooperative cane Societies, the cane farmer's institutions
i) All the 168 cane societies of the State have launched special
campaign to get refund of TDS from the Income Tax Department.
ii) Rs.222.22 crore has been refunded to Cane Development Societies
from the amount deducted as T.D.S. by the income tax department.
iii) The economic condition of the cane societies improved, due to the
remarkable progress made in refunds.
iv All the 968 properties of cane societies were identified and 'Geo Mapped'.
v) A special campaign is going on to free the assets of the cane societies
from illegal encroachment.
vi) 968 encroached properties were registered on the land mafia portal, out
of which 33 properties worth about Rs.16.00 crores were freed from
21. Work of "Establishment of Farm Machinery Bank" in Cane Development Societies
i) For mechanization in sugarcane farming, funds were approved in the
Societies budget for the establishment of farm machinery banks in
146sugarcane/sugar mill societies.
ii) Farm machinery banks were established and operated with availability of
438 Agricultural equipments for crop rise due management
146 Cooperative Sugarcane Development Societies and Cooperative
Sugar Mill Societies.
iii) The use of modern agricultural equipment will reduce the cost of farming
and the income of sugarcane farmers will increase.
iv) In future in Cooperative Sugarcane Societies/Sugar Mill Societies will be
made to provide 12 types of 35 agricultural equipments, which are useful
in sugarcane farming, including tractors in Farm Machinery Banks.
22. Shop allocation and rent fixation policy implemented for increasing the income of Cane Development Societies
i) The rent of shops and other rental properties of Cane Development
Societies has been fixed as per circle rate decided by District Magistrate.
ii) The rent of 678 shops of 40 Cane Development Societies increased by
about 3.09 times due to revised rates as per policy.
23. Pothole free roads and strengthening of roads
i) For the first time, the system of e-tendering was implemented for
transparent selection of contractors for construction of roads, to be
constructed by the department.
ii) In year 2017-18, 1,384 km roads have been made pothole free, 279km
roads were reconstructed/strengthened and 105km roads were newly
constructed in rural areas.
iii) In financial year 2018-19 279 kms.(70 Kms. strengthening
/reconstruction and 209 kms. new constructions) roads were constructed
with the budgetary provision of Rs.100 Cr.(State share) in Inter rural
road construction scheme.
iv) In financial year 2019-20 261 kms.(48 Kms. strengthening
/reconstruction and 213kms. new constructions) roads were constructed
with the budgetary provision of Rs.100 Cr.(State share) in Inter rural
road construction scheme.
v) In financial year 2020-21 176 kms.(47 Kms. strengthening
/reconstruction and 129 kms. new constructions) roads were constructed
with the budgetary provision of Rs.75 Cr.(State share) in Inter rural road
construction scheme.
24. An unprecedented decision taken by the department to build quality roads using "plastic waste"
i) As a pilot project 600 meters length from Sayyidpur to Jogiyapur via
Hargaon Piparjhala route in Sitapur District was selected for road
construction with plastic waste.
ii) Around 438 kg of plastic waste is used per km in road construction,
which gives a saving of 438 kg bitumen.
iii) Disposal of plastic waste by using unusable plastic and help in
environmental protection.
iv) Under the district plan in the financial year 2019-20, a total of 50.00 km.
Unusable plastic waste was used on the roads.
25. Connecting / linking cane farmers to "M-Kisan Portal"
i) 45 lakhs sugarcane farmers of state have been linked with 'M-Kisan
ii) New methods/information related to sugarcane cultivation/marketing will
be available on farmers' mobile phones.
iii) With the latest information, sugarcane farmers made changes in the
sugarcane sowing method and adopted the "Trench Method".
iv) With the use of modern information/methods, the cost of farming is
decreasing and the income of the farmer is increasing.
26. Sugarcane yield and sugar production will increase
i) Release of new 14 sugarcane varieties with high productivity and high
sugar content.
ii) 05 Early varieties viz. Cos.13231, Cos.13235, Co.Lk.11203,
Co. Lk.12207, Co.Lk.14201 and 09 general sugarcane varieties a:
Cose.13452,Co.Lk.09204, Co. Lk.11206, Co. Lk.12209, Co. 09022,Co
12029, Cos.09232 and Cos.14233and for specific conditions such as
waterlogged areas and alkaline soils. A new cane variety Cos.10239 was
released for farmers.
iii) Sowing of new sugarcane varieties will increase sugarcane yield and
sugar recovery.
27. Establishment of bio-compost based "zero liquid discharge" plant in all the six distilleries set up in cooperative sugar mills
i) The operation of distilleries established in cooperative sugar mills of
Nanauta, Anoopshahar, Kayamganj, Nanpara, Ghosi and
Sampurnanagarwillbe possible.
ii) Pollution-free ethanol/ENA production with meeting environmental
iii) Ground water conservation.
iv) farmers will get high quality organic manure.

28. 4 cooperative sugar mills of the state received National Efficiency Awards in the years 2017-18 and 2018-19
04 cooperative sugar mills of the state, Sneharoad, Gajraula, Belaryan
and Morna in the crushing season 2017-18 and Sneharod (Bijnor)
puwayan (Shahjahanpur) Sathion (Azamgarh) and Morna
(Muzaffarnagar) in the crushing season 2018-19 were awarded
'National Efficiency Awards' for best cooperative sugar mill,
maximum recovery, technical efficiency and cane development
respectively by National Cooperative Sugar Federation. In these years
the Cooperative Sugar mill Ltd Snehroad (Bijnor) got the distinction of
being best cooperative sugar mill.
29. New award scheme started to award sugarcane farmers, sugarcane societies and sugar mills for doing commendable work in the field of sugarcane and sugar production
i) Farmers and sugarcane societies doing commendable work in the field
of sugarcane production will be rewarded with first and second and third
prizes. The prize money will be Rs.51,000, Rs.31,000 and Rs.21,000
respectively and with a memento and certificate.
ii) Sugar mills, which give good performance in the field of sugarcane
crushing and sugar production, will be honored by giving mementos and
iii) Increased healthy competition among sugarcane farmers, sugarcane
societies and sugar mills will enhance their efficiency.
30. Establishment of "Toll Free Sugarcane Farmer Call Center"
i) Establishment of toll free number 1800-121-3203 to facilitate sugarcane
farmers for registering their complaints 24×7.
ii) 2,86,803 complaints registered, out of which 2,74,519 complaints were
disposed off.
iii) Sitting at home, farmers got quick solution of their problems.
iv) Complete transparency in departmental working.
31. Restarting of 03 private sector sugar mills (Venus, Gagalhedi and Bulandshahr) closed for years
i) Sugarcane supply facility to about 1,00,000 farmers of mill area.
ii) Addition of 12,000 T.C.D. in crushing capacity of the State.
iii) Increase in income of regional farmers.
iv) About 13,500 persons got direct and indirect employment.
32. Adoption of Zero tolerance on corruption as innovative effort to increase administrative efficiency and mobility in personnel
i) 169 personnel were promoted and 250 personnel were given time
scale/A.C.P. benefits.
ii) Till 28.02.2022 suspension/disciplinary action against 260 employees,
dismissal of 04 employees and major punishment to 107 employees
and compulsory retirement of 06 employees. First Information Report
(FIR) was filed against 11 and prosecution was granted against 08
Voluntary retirement was sanctioned to 15 personnel.
iii) In 04 cases of establishment department involving financial irregularity
of Rs.38,15,786.03 and in 05 cases of Societies department involving
financial irregularity of Rs.217.28 lakh the decision have been taken to
recover the amount from the concerned persons.
iv Adopting the Zero Tolerance policy of the State Government
effective action is being taken in cases of corruption by the department.
33. Revise system of raising NABARD LOAN demand 02 times in a years for giving full benefits of interest subsidy to farmers
i) In the earlier years many farmers had to pay 07 percent interest due to
raising of demand of loan only 01 times in a year by Cane Development
ii) Now the demand for loan distributed from 01 October to 31 March will be
raised on 01 April and crop loan distributed from 01 April to 30
September by Cane Societies will be raised on 01 October.
iii) With this all farmers will get the benefit of 04 percent interest subsidy on
timely repayment of loan.
iv) Farmers of Uttar Pradesh will get the benefit of interest subsidy of
about Rs.4.5 crore from this system.
34. For the first time in the history of the state, innovative use of developing sugarcane purchasing centers as 'Model Purchasing Centers'
i) 08 sugarcane purchasing centers were developed as model purchasing
centers in the State.
ii) Better facility for cane weighing at these purchasing center.
iii) Facility to supply sugarcane at any time.
iv) Provision of cane loaders and better transport at model purchasing
v) Increase in sugar recovery.
35. Amendment of work interest in the service rules of sugarcane supervisors
i) Now sugarcane supervisors will not be able to deploy in home district.
ii) Educational qualification of sugarcane supervisors will be (Ag).
iii) Sugarcane supervisors will stay away from local politics and this will
bring complete transparency in sugarcane marketing.
iv) Due to their educational qualification (Ag), they will effectively
contribute in increasing cane productivity and decreasing cost of
36. Sugarcane Department's unique scheme to make rural women self-reliant
i) In order to provide self-employment to women through Cane cultivation
formation of women self-help groups has been done for raising nurseries
by single bud chip method. There is a provision to give a grant of
Rs.1.30 per seedling on the distribution of seedlings produced by single bud
method and Rs.1.50 per seedling on the seedling produced by single
bud chip method.
3,004 women self-help groups have been formed in 37 districts of the
II) The total number of women members in the groups formed is 58,905 out
of which 10,401 SC,112 ST and 24,424 Other Backward Classes
women members are there.
III) So far, 3,003 bank accounts have been opened by the formed groups.
IV) 2,462 lakh seedlings were prepared by women self-help groups.
V) Out of the seedlings prepared by women self-help groups, 2,160 lakh
seedlings have been distributed.
VI) Demonstration has been set up in 9,265 hectare sugarcane area with
distributed seeding.
VII) Under this program, a grant of 3,239 lakh has been distributed by the
VIII) Under this program, each woman has got an estimated have got
employment of about 3.71 lakh days.
37. Provisions made and actions taken by the Government in the last 05 years for effective control in under-weighment of Cane
i) Earlier, in under-weighment cases, the punitive action was taken under the
provisions laid down in Section 22 of the Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane
(Regulation of Supply and Purchase) Act, 1953, in which there was
provision of maximum fine of Rs.50,000 or jail for 6 months.
ii) From the crushing season 2017-18 in case of under weighment the action is
being taken under Section 3/7 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 and
relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
iii) For the first time direction have been issued that in case of under weighment
the action will be taken against the original equipment manufacturer of
weighbridges and software provider company under legal metrology Act2009( revised in 2011).
iv) For the first time in the history of the Department of Cane Development,
fortnightly online transfer of mill weighment clerks is being done through
ERP incomplete transparent manner.
v) Through amendments in the section-22andsection-24of U.P. Sugarcane
(Supply and Purchase Regulation), Act-1953 and corresponding
Regulation-1954,the security money of the low-paid weighment clerk has
been reduced from Rs.20,000 to Rs.10,000 and the sugar mill occupier’s
security money increased from Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,00,000.
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