Sandoz (Youtuber)

Sandoz is an anonymous French YouTuber who specialized in unmasking Internet scams. He was known for the video "I Uncovered a Scammer and He Went Berserk" where he unmasked a scam consisting of offering dogs operated by hackers from Western Africa. He has his own YouTube channel.
Early life
Sandoz began his career as a videographer with phone hoaxes.
Sandoz is not a French name. The young French artist chose it as a reference to the Swiss pharmaceutical company based in Basel where he was employed.
Sandoz' identity is unknown. He hides his face in his videos by wearing sunglasses continuously. In an interview with a journalist he revealed that the he resided in the French city of Colmar, and that he is married to a woman.
SFAM case
In 2005, he highlighted the methods that the French insurance company SFAM uses to solicit its customers. The company asked YouTube to remove his video in 2019. The video was removed but subsequently, the video's impact continued as several French consumer associations decide to look into the matter.
African scammers
In 2017, he unmasked his first scam, "A l'africaine" (English "in African way"). It was conducted by hackers based in French-speaking Africa with his video "I Uncovered a Scammer and He Went Berserk".
In 2019, he unmasked the methods of scamming PCS coupons "On Fait Barrage Aux Arnaqueurs Pcs Mastercard" (English: "Damned Pcs Mastercard Scrapers") where he shows how African hustlers steal bank details from victims.
In 2019, he published "Je Démasque Deux Arnaqueurs À Pôle Emploi" (English: "I unmask two scammers from French employment center") where he interviews a manager of a French employment center to teach users not to be fooled.
Comme j'aime case
In April 2019, he published "Enquête Sur L'arnaque Comme J'aime & Mimibio" (English: Investigation on the French Brands Comme J'aime and MimiBio"). It exposes the methods of commercial canvassing of the French companies Comme J'aime and Mimibio, which offers programs to slim down their European customers.
On October 8, 2019, Comme J'aime was condemned by a Parisian court for "his free week" described as a misleading business practice.
Pif Gadjet's crowdfunding's campaign and the French daily newspaper l'Humanité 's case
In his video of November 15, 2019, the youtuber hypothesizes a scam possibly organized by the French Daily newspaper l'Humanité and owner of the French weekly for children newspaper Pif Gadget who allegedly fraudulently used the money of the pot around 50 000 € to reflect the coffers of mother society initially collected by crowdfunding's campaign from Internet users to revive the French weekly newspaper for children.
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