Pierre Jovanovic

Pierre Jovanovic (born 3 January 1960 in Belgrade, Serbia) is a French journalist, essayist, writer, publisher and lecturer.
He was a journalist at Matin de Paris, Le Quotidien de Paris and the editor-in-chief of technological information for "Missive de France Câbles & Radio". He has a show at the radio station where he holds a monthly press review. In 2001, with another journalist from Le Quotidien de Paris, Henri Tricot, he launched "Le Jardin des Livres" publishing house.
He published Enquête sur L'existence des Anges Gardiens in 1993. The book sold over 800,000 copies.. He authors a blog dedicated to the analysis of the international financial situation which gets 3 million unique visitors per year. His books have been translated in 6 languages. He has 27,500 followers on Twitter.
Jovanovic's theory states that the excesses of printing money will bring financial ruin:
* His book Blythe Masters portrays a banker working at J.P. Morgan & Co. who invented the "credit default swap", which was at the core of the financial crisis of 2008.
* In his book Adolf Hitler ou la Vengeance de la Planche à Billets, he explains that hyperinflation and the excesses of printing money led to the rise of .
* In his book L'Histoire de John Law : Et de sa Première Planche à Billets qui a Ruiné la France et qui continue à ruiner le Monde Aujourd'hui, he explains how the excesses of printing money ruined France and led to the French Revolution.
* In his book Le Retour au Standard Or he explains that the Bretton Woods agreements led us to today's financial crisis and that we should return to the gold standard.
His main thesis is that these events have already been prophesied in antiquity:
* In his book 666 he explains that the financial crisis of 2008 and the coming next one are predicted and outlined in the Apocalypse of St. John. This book was ranked 15th in the Best Seller category of Economy by the magazine Livres Hebdo.
* In his book 777 he develops the thesis of a universal bankruptcy simultaneously with the fall of the Vatican, based on the text of the Apocalypse of St John.
* In his book, Our Lady of the Apocalypse, he takes a stand in the case of the secrets of Fatima. For him, the third of the secrets of Fatima concerning the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, is a forgery. This book was cited in a film documentary, and a national TV show
His thinking is based on an original interpretation of the scriptures, developed in several other books:
* Le Livre des Secrets d'Enoch
* Enoch: Dialogues avec dieu et les anges, le seul livre que le Christ citait régulièrement parce qu'il le connaissait par cœur
* Biographie de l'archange Gabriel
* Enquête sur l'existence des Anges Gardiens
* Le Mensonge Universel
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