Samina Akbari

Samina Akbari is a director, producer and screenwriter best known for the short film The Visitors about a biracial couple dealing with the arrival of the woman's parents to their rat-invested apartment. The film was labeled as a "must see" by Sundance Film Festival's shorts program. The film was also shown at 53rd San Francisco film festival, as well as film festivals in Italy in the summer of 2010.
Akbari is a graduate of New York University's film department.
Akbari participated in the 11th Annual New York Indian Film Festival held in New York on May 2011. Akbari was the producer and co-writer of Anthem of Us together with Prashant Bhargava, a project aimed at telling the experiences of the Indian American diaspora. The film was watched by 20,000 Indian Americans in person and another 7 million watched online. Other works that Akbari has partaken in includes producing Patang (The Kite) which was also directed by Bhargava, and producing and narrating Light n'Easy directed by Colleen Kwok, producing Outpost directed by Shiva Bajpai, and writing and co-producing Karaoke Girl. Her films often deal with Asian American themes and issues.
She has worked as a faculty member at New York University's Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television and teaches cinema and cultural studies.
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