Samantha Orobator

Samantha Orobator (born in Nigeria) is a 20-year old English woman from South London, England who is currently imprisoned in the Phonthong prison in Laos. Born in Nigeria, she moved at the age of eight to London, where she lived with her aunt in Camberwell and Peckham. Orobator is pregnant and due to give birth in September, 2009. Orobator faces death by firing squad if found guilty in her May trial. Reprieve and experts on Laos justice system have claimed that they do not believe Orobator will get a fair trial, due to the hard drug laws of Laos. On May 5 it was revealed that Orobator will not be executed if found guilty as she is pregnant, according to officials in Laos. The vice-consul of the British mission in Bangkok flew to Laos to see Orobator, and British Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell pledged to discuss her case with the Laotian Deputy Prime Minister.
See Also
Human rights in Laos
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