Rupali Chakankar

Rupali chakankar (born 28 may 1982) is an indian Politician from the Nationalist Congress Party and currentlly president of Nationalist Congress Party woman wing Maharashtra. She is from pune Maharashtra.
Political Journey:
Rupali’s mother in law Rukmini Chakankar, who was the first corporator of Dhayari village
municipality. This inspired her to join the sphere of politics.
Under the Leadership of MP Supriya Sule and Rupali Chakankar 10,000 cycles donation activities
were implemented in Pune district through Tata Trust’s co-operation.
She was actively taking part in the initiative ‘Save the Lake’ mission under the guidance of Nationalist Congress Party
Leader Supriya Sule.
She also organized several agitations against women oppression.
She has worked with numerous SHGs (Self Help Group) that try to raise the economic, social status
of women.
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