Rummel Creek Elementary School

Rummel Creek Elementary School is a primary school located in 625 Brittmoore Road, Houston, TX 77079. It is a part of the Spring Branch Independent School District.
The Memorial City district is within the school's attendance zone.
Rummel Creek has been one of the top schools in the west side of Houston for decades. It draws strong families to the community, the best teachers, & obviously outstanding parental involvement. The school is currently undergoing total rebuilding. It is an event the community & school should be anticipating with eager excitement. However, under the divisive leadership of the principal & SBISD school board, the school has lost the support of a strong majority of the community.
Feeder patterns
All residents of the Rummel Creek Elementary School attendance zone are zoned to Memorial Middle School, but may apply to Cornerstone Middle School. All residents of the RCE attendance zone are also zoned to Memorial High School.
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