Ruben Sada

Ruben Sada (Born in 1960) is a writer of Castilian poetry. He was born and currently resides in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ruben is said to have a Romantic Personality, which reflects in his writing. Ruben began writing in primary school at the age of eleven. Although Ruben has no literary education to support his career, Ruben claims he writes from the heart, using everyday experiences conveyed to others through poetry. In 1978, Ruben was arrested and imprisoned for nearly 4 years after refusing to perform compulsory military service in the war against Chile. Ruben used his free time in prison to read and write more poems, which he guarded for nearly 25 years. Soon after, Ruben decided to publish these ideas on the internet. Ruben began by webcasting these poems, then published three books containing these poems. Ruben won over 85 awards for his work. (Citation needed). Ruben now uses his poems as a way of improving society.
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