Rosetta Code

Rosetta Code is a wiki-based programming chrestomathy website with solutions to various programming problems in many different programming languages. It was created in 2007 by Mike Mol. Rosetta Code includes 605 programming tasks, and covers 474 programming languages. The site's content is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2, though some components may be dual-licensed under more permissive terms.
Data and structure
The site is organized as a browseable cross-section of tasks (specific programming problems or considerations) and programming languages. A task's page displays visitor-contributed solutions in various languages, allowing a viewer to compare each language's approach to the task's stated problem. Task pages are included in per-language listings based on the languages of provided solutions; a task with a solution in C will show up in the listing for C. If the same task has a solution in Ruby, the task will appear in Ruby's listing as well.
Selection of languages
The following represents a sample of the languages found on Rosetta Code, ordered by sitewide application:
# Tcl
# Picolisp
# Python
# J
# C
# Ada
# Ruby
# Go
# PureBasic
# Perl
Selection of tasks
The following represents a sample of the tasks found on Rosetta Code, ordered by sitewide involvement.
# Hello world/Text
# 99 Bottles of Beer
# Comments
# Empty program
# 100 doors
# Fibonacci sequence
# Function definition
# FizzBuzz
# Ackermann function
# Factorial
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