Romanian local barons

In Romania, the 'local barons' is a mass media coined term that refers to people who exert a cvasitotal control over a region's economical and political power. This power elite is composed of local or regional political leaders who also have a say in the shaping of economic affairs, by offering or denying contracts or authorizations to companies from the private sector in exchange for financial or political benefits. They also partly own, control or at least influence the local mass-media. They are considered to be a manifestation of the original Balkan or Eastern European young democracies, who are not experienced enough to resist authoritarian and feudal influences. Paradoxically, their emergence was tolerated, even encouraged, by the leading Romanian left-wing party, PSD (ex-FSN, ex-PDSR). Currently, the press considers that this phenomenon replicated itself onto the other parties as well.
Usually, these local barons wield power in their state, sometimes serving the role of President of state council, or even mayor of the state's capital city. Notable representatives of the 'local barons' are Radu Mazare in Constanta, Liviu Dragnea in Teleorman, and Marian Oprisan in Vrancea. Former local barons, as identified by the media, include Dumitru Sechelariu in Bacau and Nicolae Mischie in Gorj. Outside PSD, Sorin Frunzaverde - Caras-Severin , Ioan Oltean - Bistrita Nasaud, Gheorghe Flutur - Suceava, from PD-L and Relu Fenechiu - Iasi or Dan Ilie Morega - Gorj from PNL, have been considered to fit into this group, among others.
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