Role of churches in liberation struggle

Role of churches in liberation struggle of Namibia
Various churches in Namibia played a major role in the liberation struggle to make sure that innocent Namibians are free from stringent colonial rules and cultures.
Establishment of churches
Ever since the arrival of of the first German and Finish missionaries based on Finnish Missionary Societyalmost 200 years ago according to Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia, christian churches have played an important role in the history of our country.Namibia has one of the largest christian communities in Africa today.
Churches took part in the liberation struggle
Churches were fighting for democracy of Namibia like;
Liberation Struggle(1958-59)
*African Methodist Episcopal (AME)
*Oruuano church
* Evangelical Lutheran Ovambo-Kanango church (ELOC)
*Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC)
These churches thought many Namibians on how to read and write and ensuring their own rights within the country. In some later years Pastors and their followers decided to move away from missionaries churches in order to form their own independent churches.
Reasons for quitting missionary churches
*The mission churches were dominated by whites and did not take African values and needs well enough into account.
*Mission churches thought obedience to the colonial authority.
*The christian messages of justice and quality was interpreted black people as a call of fight against oppressions and this view was not supported by the missionary churches.
* starting Independence churches would allow black pastors and priests to hold positions of authority from where they influence their followers, call for meeting and develop politically

How black church leaders contributed to liberation struggle
The election of black church leaders was an important factor in the move toward independence.
*It made the churches more responsive to the needs of their black members.
*Black church leaders worked to make black people more aware of their rights and helped them to develop a sense of worth.
*The independent churches called for better education for black people.
*They developed contacts with churches all over the world.
*They contributed to the struggle of Independence by questioning South Africa,s right to rule
*They confronted the South African authorities on the issue of apartheid.
* Namibia Library of Dr. Klaus Dierks
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