Roger James Hamilton

Roger James Hamilton (born August 8, 1968) is a Hong Kong born, Scottish-Chinese bestselling author, educator and social entrepreneur . He is best known as the creator of the Wealth Dynamics profiling system for entrepreneurs, which is a leading psychometric test for entrepreneurs and business.
Roger Hamilton is also known for co-founding XL Nation, an international social entrepreneur business network . He is a graduate of Cambridge University, and an executive graduate of Singularity University, founded by Ray Kuzweil and X-Prize entrepreneur, Peter H Diamandis.
Roger Hamilton is a business expert on the UK business TV network, yourBusinessChannel , member of the Clinton Global Initiative, founded by President of the United States Bill Clinton; and the Transformational Leadership Council, founded by Jack Canfield
Early Life
Hamilton was born in Hong Kong, China. He attended King George V School, prior to moving to Papua New Guinea. In 1984 he attended Loretto School in Edinburgh, Scotland, and graduated from Cambridge University in 1989 with a Bachelors degree in Architecture.
In 1989, at the age of 21, Hamilton co-founded Footprints, a publishing company in London. The company pioneered pictorial maps in England, and grew to 42 cities before being sold to a national printing company in 1994.
Hamilton then joined two senior principles of Dell Inc in 1995 to develop Hand Technologies, selling Apple, Microsoft and
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