Roger Finn

Roger Finn is a British television presenter. Finn was born Roger Armstrong-Wright but is believed to have taken the stage name Finn from his favourite book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. He spent much of his upbringing in Hong Kong, but boarded in England at The King's School Canterbury. Perhaps best known for his stint as a Newsround presenter, he is now part of the BBC South Today team.
Finn's broadcasting career began on Radio Television Hong Kong in 1980 as a news reporter. In 1985 he moved to the United Kingdom and became a reporter on , When Craven became editor, Finn took on the role of presenter, along with Helen Rollason. In 1992, he took on his current role as environmental reporter for BBC South Today, which included reporting on the construction of the controversial Newbury bypass. He occasionally presents BBC South Today when the lead presenter, Sally Taylor, is unavailable.
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