Rockwell Collins Ugly Sweater Day

The Rockwell Collins Ugly Sweater Day is an annual event that takes place in December before the Cedar Rapids facilities shut down for the year. Each year employees don sweaters of holiday theme that are particularly hidious in an attempt to raise company morale and holiday cheer. The annual tradition took root and grew within the company starting in 2006 when David Sly and Mitchell Klein gave birth to the idea. Since then it has grown to a company wide phenominon.

1st Annual
In 2006 the first company wide orginized Ugly Sweater Day took place when the Rockwell Collins Morale Booster League was formed by Sly and Klein. The event had a turnout of immense proportions which lead to more responsiblities for the RCMBL to organize fun within work events to raise employee morale.

2nd Annual
From the humble beginnings in 2006, the Ugly Sweater Day expained in 2007. Not only were there more participants, but also the RCMBL also gave out an award to the best Ugly Sweater of the day. The winner was Mike G. Newman.

3rd Annual
Will take place December 17, 2008.
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